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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, November 08, 2010 <br /> Page 6 <br /> cated to the City; and whether the City realized any additional costs for enforce- <br /> ment of the currency exchange portion of this business. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon responded that he was not aware of any portion of the fee allocated <br /> to the City, with the Pawn License itself in the City providing a hefty fee; but no <br /> separate or distinct license for the currency exchange business from a municipal <br /> level; and the City only requested to provide comment to the Department of <br /> Commerce as they reviewed renewals for currency exchange business licenses. <br /> Mayor Klausing opened and closed the Public Hearing at 6:41 p.m. for the pur- <br /> pose of hearing public comment on approving/supporting renewal of the 2011 <br /> currency exchange license for Pawn America, 1715 Rice Street with no one ap- <br /> pearing for or against. <br /> 12. Business Items (Action Items) <br /> a. Consider the Renewal of Currency Exchange License for Pawn America, <br /> 1715 Rice Street <br /> Councilmember Pust sought further clarification on how calls were distinguished <br /> between pawn transactions and currency exchanges; and incident of calls from the <br /> City's Police Department. <br /> Police Chief Rick Mathwig responded that the Police Department considered any <br /> service call to that address, whether related to the currency exchange portion of <br /> the business or the pawn business. Chief Mathwig advised that Pawn America <br /> had been of great assistance to the Department in tracking digital information; and <br /> had no concern about the operations of either portion of the business. <br /> Councilmember Pust considered the Chief's comments to mean that this type of <br /> business, by its very nature, caused more police calls, but if this type of business <br /> were to be in the community, this firm was a good business partner. <br /> Chief Mathwig clarified that given the location of the Pawn America business, <br /> any time you introduced significant traffic into an area, from his perspective, it <br /> created additional issues and service calls. <br /> Klausing moved, Johnson seconded, approval /support of the request by Pawn <br /> America Minnesota LLC, 1715 N Rice Street, Roseville, to renew their license to <br /> operate currency exchange businesses in Roseville for the 2011 calendar year. <br /> Councilmember Ihlan spoke in opposition to the motion, as she had voted against <br /> it originally, since it was not a required part of the pawn shop license and was a <br /> separate business licensed through the Department of Commerce. Councilmemb- <br /> er Ihlan expressed concern with the excessive fees charged by currency exchanges <br />