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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 17, 2010 <br /> Page 8 <br /> Mayor Klausing questioned whether the Commission's question on what consti- <br /> tuted a seminar was based on whether e -mail notification would be incompliance <br /> with the Ethics Code resolution as adopted, with Chair Weldon responding affir- <br /> matively. <br /> Mayor Klausing advised that he had no definitive response on the intent of what <br /> constituted a seminar, and expressed his personal support of an annual training <br /> event in April rather than November, and concurred that April was preferable to <br /> accommodate those new Advisory Commissioners coming on board, as well as <br /> not being held close to the holidays. Mayor Klausing further opined that, with <br /> newly elected officials coming on in January, training in April would allow them <br /> to be involved in a few meetings and deal with practical rather than abstract is- <br /> sues. <br /> Councilmember Johnson noted the convenience of ethics webinars currently <br /> available, and the ability for individuals to make time within their schedule for <br /> those options rather than a scheduled training date, and suggested that this may <br /> provide for more participation. Councilmember Johnson noted the merit of meet- <br /> ing as a group, but suggested other available options also be considered; and <br /> spoke in support of the practical sense of deferring 2010 training until April of <br /> 2011. <br /> Chair Weldon noted the cost of webinars with the current budget constraints, but <br /> offered the Commission's review of available options to consider their content <br /> and applicability, as well as enticing participation. <br /> City Manager Malinen noted information suggested by Chair Weldon that was <br /> available through "," and advised that the City would be adding a <br /> link to the City's website for access to their monthly articles, allowing for more <br /> regular exposure on ethics issues. <br /> Chair Weldon noted that this would provide ethics training on the "big e- level" <br /> and offered general guidance, but noted that the Commission was required to train <br /> specific to the City's Ethics Code, and that the Commission would ensure that <br /> such training continued. <br /> Councilmember Ihlan spoke in support of changing this year's training to April of <br /> 2011; and opined that, if the intent of the training was to teach the City of Rose <br /> ville's Code of Ethics, it didn't make sense to hire outside presenters, but sug- <br /> gested in -house trainers be used. Councilmember Ihlan further suggested that <br /> training could be provided through the local academic community on various top- <br /> ics, probably for a modest honorarium as part of their pro bono activities, and <br /> could provide for some interesting and timely topics. <br /> Councilmember Johnson concurred. <br />