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City Council Meeting Minutes
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Last modified
6/20/2011 8:48:38 AM
Creation date
12/20/2010 1:05:27 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, November 29, 2010 <br /> Page 11 <br /> proceed with the land, he could not support it even with mitigation efforts. Council- <br /> member Roe questioned how such a use could be good for the neighborhood, given long- <br /> term issues from crushing; and expressed his support for the motion. Councilmember <br /> Roe expressed his appreciation for the significant background information provided as <br /> part of the record; and opined that the resolution provided strong findings. Council- <br /> member Roe expressed his appreciation to the neighbors for their thoughtful and informa- <br /> tive input; and reiterated a statement made often during testimony, as well as one he'd <br /> personally expressed, that once something was built and in operation, it was more diffi- <br /> cult to police the property and operations. <br /> Mayor Klausing suggested an amendment to the original motion that the resolution, <br /> page 9, under #13, include a statement that "the City Council's findings are deter- <br /> mined and based on the above referenced items and all information presented to the <br /> City Council." <br /> With the permission of the Mayor, City Attorney Bartholdi suggested the following <br /> language amendments for incorporation into the proposed findings of the draft resolu- <br /> tion. <br /> Page 3, Finding #8 Introductory Sentence, amend to read as follows: <br /> "The use of the subject property for an Asphalt Plant is not a permitted use under <br /> the Performance Standards stated in Section 1007 /O1D of the Roseville City Code <br /> for the following reasons, based upon evidence presented to the City Council as <br /> well as the following sources:" <br /> Page 6, Finding #11 Introductory Sentence, amend to read as follows: <br /> "The City Council finds the following with respect to the Conditional Use Permit <br /> Application, based upon evidence presented to the City Council as well as the fol- <br /> lowing sources:" <br /> Page 4 and 5, Funding 8G Change date and letter reference of Source as indi- <br /> cated by Mr. Trudgeon. <br /> Page 9, Additional Findings, #13 <br /> Delete Section #13 entirely. <br /> City Attorney Bartholdi noted that the draft resolution referenced "Exhibit A," the <br /> legal description of the property located at 2280 Walnut Street; however, it was not <br /> included as an attachment to the draft resolution, "Attachment M;" however, noted <br /> that it would be incorporated into the final resolution as adopted. <br /> Mayor Klausing and Councilmember Johnson, as makers of the original motion, con- <br /> curred with the friendly amendments suggested by City Attorney Bartholdi. <br /> Councilmember Ihlan expressed her preference to include language of what the staff re- <br /> port consisted of, as detailed in Section 5.2, #3 of that report. <br /> Mayor Klausing opined that the language as amended by City Attorney Bartholdi suffi- <br /> ciently addressed that referenced evidence presented. <br />
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