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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, November 29, 2010 <br /> Page 6 <br /> Ms. Nelson read her comments in opposition, based on negative financial impacts to <br /> market values of residences and businesses adjacent to the site; and referenced negative <br /> impacts from a North Carolina asphalt plant, as well as Ms. Dushin's research regarding <br /> the Bituminous Roadways Minneapolis plant and experience of adjacent neighbors <br /> related to their experience with odors from that plant. <br /> Gretchen Ternes, 2328 Terminal Road, Owner of Building and Occupant of Suite B <br /> As a business owner, Ms. Ternes spoke on behalf of the numerous business owners in the <br /> area adjacent to the proposed asphalt plant and their negative experiences with past con- <br /> crete crushing operations in that same vicinity. Ms. Terns noted that, while that was an <br /> Interim Use, this use was proposed as a permanent use and opined that the negative rami- <br /> fications would be significant. Ms. Ternes noted that, as an existing taxpayer having <br /> owned the building for over twenty -six (26) years, she should be respected. Ms. Ternes <br /> advised that no business owners that she had spoken to had been supportive of the pro- <br /> posed plant; and that they were all concerned with the potential diminishing property val- <br /> ues; loss of existing tenants; and concerns with renegotiating leases with the current soft <br /> economy, as well as in the future with the negative impacts of the proposed asphalt plant <br /> on those lease renewals with multiple tenants. <br /> Susan Buckner, 2190 Midland View Court N <br /> Ms. Buckner offered her gratitude to each individual Councilmember for their difficult <br /> decision making on this issue; and expressed her gratitude as well to the Roseville City <br /> staff for their professional review and analysis of the application; and their willingness to <br /> community with their neighborhood group and the public in general. Ms. Buckner also <br /> thanked residents for their thoughtful attention to and investment in time and research, as <br /> well as attending meetings throughout this lengthy process. Ms. Buckner encouraged the <br /> City Council, as the elected representatives of Roseville citizens, to deny this request and <br /> come to the right conclusion for all Roseville residents and businesses in order to pre- <br /> serve the community's quality of life. <br /> Additional Public Comment <br /> John Bachhuber, 2223 Marion Road <br /> Mr. Bachhuber opined that, as the process progressed, it became clear that the Condition- <br /> al Use application contained multiple errors and omissions; that the "warm mix" was not <br /> the primary use; and assertions regarding peak traffic, property values, odors and/or par- <br /> ticulate matters were not accurately presented. Mr. Bachhuber referenced the volumes of <br /> information presented throughout the process and part of the record, and opined that the <br /> plant would not meet current or former standards of City Code. <br /> Judy Makowske, St. Anthony Village resident (2919 Rankin Road) <br /> Ms. Makowske thanked the City Council for including residents of St. Anthony in the <br /> public meeting notices; and expressed concern about adverse health and property value <br /> impacts of the proposed plant; and asked that the City Council take those concerns into <br /> consideration in their decision making. <br />