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CITY OF ROSEVILLE <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 1399 <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING <br /> TITLE FIVE, FALSE ALARMS <br /> SECURITY AND ALARM <br /> SYSTEMS, SECTION 506.03 fee to the Chief of Police or Fire <br /> USER FEES Chief, as appropriate, within ten days <br /> THE CITY OF ROSEVILLE of notice by the City of the false <br /> ORDAINS: alarm charge, An adverse decision <br /> SECTION 1: Title Five, Section by the Chief of Police or Fire Chief <br /> 506.03 of the Roseville City Code is may be appealed to the City <br /> amended to read as follows: Manager within ten days of receipt of <br /> 506.03: USER FEES: the Chief of Police's or Fire Chief's <br /> A. False Alarms: The user of an decision. The City Manager will have <br /> alarm system who reports multiple authority to make a final <br /> wee false alarms to the determination as to whether or not <br /> Police Department or mere -th n Iwo the user is to be charged a user fee <br /> ialee -alsrr e-gie Fire Department for the false alarms. (Ord. 1076, 4- <br /> in a single calendar year (and -whe 23 -90) <br /> SECTION 2: Effective date. This <br /> siar will be charged a fee ier ordinance shall take effect upon its <br /> as passage and publication. <br /> established by the City Fee Passed by the City Council of the <br /> Schedule in Section 314.05. City of Roseville this 22nd day of <br /> B. Appeal: An alarm user required November 2010. <br /> by the City to pay a user fee as a By: Mayor Craig D. Klausing <br /> result of a false alarm may make a (Roseville Review: Nov. 30, 2010) <br /> written appeal of the false alarm user <br />