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<br />~'.: ;':'.'-r.)./\.C rl~ <br /> <br />lIi'1lI1T::; <br /> <br />LETI T;TF, \fILL' <br />,i])} iJiI"U::;T 6, 1962 <br /> <br /> <br />HiCIt <br /> <br /> <br />* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * x * * * * * * <br /> <br />Pursuant tc due call ana l10ticc thereoF, a rO;]11ar ('l'3Ctil1;; () <br />the Villazc COlUlCil of the Village oE I(o~)cville, 'innesota, "25 ,,:u1y <br />called and lw III at the Vi lla~;e !Tall in s2.Ll Vi llagc or: tu;::.ust 6, 1962, <br />;:It :3: 00 I:. ;'. ThcCcllO\dng members \'12:1'8 lT8scnt :;;],)'01' ,'cCee, <br />Trustees ';einecke, '~oodrich, ;Custern;ann and r: 1ana[';2.11. <br /> <br />and thcr:"cllowin?1enbers weyc absent: ;~one <br /> <br />.e:nber ;~eined:e introduce,,-: thecollOl'!in;:. rcsol:xtion and <br />ador.tiell. <br /> <br />its <br /> <br />~'~E,::(JLtrrI: ~\:,.r <br /> <br />',l:r\ <br />, 'j,). <br /> <br />589 <br /> <br />1\ ;(E~:JLUTL!H .i\;;TI:'T(' LF'ITED EXP <br />,;P;~N, INC. Hr 'Elf: VILLN;ri OF l{CSEVTLLE, <br /> <br /> <br />T', <br />;.l. ~ <br /> <br /> <br />, the VillafjO of (!,osevillchc:s ,r':ro.nteJ a':ranchisc to the <br />,:innesota :.'u"ter C01::)an)', Inc. to distribute \'.m.ter :i.n corte1i]; areas ,.':LtI1in <br />the Vi 11a:;o of "'~osevi 11e; "me} <br /> <br /> <br />~ '.;~Ir::.'~~E/"'~., 1))' tlle terr:s of s,-~.icl f 1"~Ulc}1ise t118 'J i 11~:~,:'~.,(; o~f ;)~csc'vi lIe C;Jl1 <br />acquire tho 1: lant and o)cration of the '<:'.nncsot2'!aV3r COFian)', Iue., <br />lyin;<3 wi thin the ccni: ines of t.11e Vi 11<12,e of ;~oscvi 11e by ;:ayin\ to t; 13 <br />':innesota <later Company a l:;rice either ::l::recd u~on by the res':cctive .:arb.cs <br />or arrived at by arbitration; and <br /> <br />'JHEREAS, t.he Village Council has adcr.:ted a resolution on .Tuly 3D, 19()2, <br />establishing a i::ublic hearin:; on Au;'.ust 29, 1962, the --ur:'ose which is to <br />determine vlhether or not the VillaFc should aCQuire the assets of the; - innesota <br />'.:ater Conr,:)any lvin;J within the cor~:'orate limits of the Villar'e of lese vi lIe', <br />J. "'......,.. '.J <br />aad <br /> <br />1:i !Em;P5, the ,1'1CO to be 'paid to the: 'innesotalater eO;,i1(m)' 'lli 11 b:' <br />necessity be raic. for to a substantial :::lezree by s~'cciGl asscss:-X::ll',ts fro,; <br />benefi tted rrer;erty; anel <br /> <br />~nlEEE/lJ:;, the Village oC ~oseville ~Jcsires t}12t tho jTob 18';)5 created by <br />a ;,:,rivate franchise i'.;ith a Hater company oi":cratinf withi:l the COrl-,oya.te <br />liElits of the Villac.'e of i\oseville not be ccm':oundec: or inCrCaS8(~ bv enlarrdnr; <br />t~l" --'[Vcic'll '-l'-'nt ~r- t'l'" -,'inn"'c:ot'" ;'la-ter CO"';"'''1'.' -'eT'd~1~(" '''u'li'-' 1'-':'r;'^'~. (. <br />\ '-' 1,1 I.;;:) c 1"~ UJ. ...L 1.......; I v.... (.." :,<,: .I "'~..;;..'("""'" j .t-"'" J. ..L.l,~~~ .i:."'~" j '-' ...l,.........\:.... ,,_1.1.,. <br /> <br />which 1l0uld cutninate in acqllirin:-; said Hater cOF~",any; an1 <br />