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<br />1. Tile Puulic!orks Uirector L(~ iJutilorized to institute an addendul! <br />tililt \'1Ould extend the ilrJount of tiFie that the Cit" liIa\! :lOlcJ the bids after <br />tile lJi d date to 65 davs fro~1 the current 30 da'l, for the 1{)74 Ir:mrove::lents- <br /> <br />Scri os 7, and <br /> <br />c:. The Publiciorks Jirt~ctor ')(; aut:lOrizcd to senarate the bid clocu- <br />l'!2nt into VIO parts, "/\" and "U", of "ilich "L" \'!auld orimaril', consist of <br /> <br />t:12 Transit ,".venue nro,iect, fJ-SS-,J-5.T-74- . <br /> <br />rile Hloti on '"'filS seconded Lv Counci lr:lan "rennan and unon VOtf0 IJEd n'1 tt'KCn <br />tll2reon, tile follo".JitFl vott~d it~ filVor Llcrccf: '\11 nri,~sent <br /> <br />and tile follo'.:inc; vot:?d a.'ainst: flon(~ <br /> <br />.i',(;reUron said re::;cl ution \'iilS dc~clan:d dub f1assE'cI and a(~onted. <br /> <br />:STinE UF :'lI;J.JESOT/\ <br />(' (' <br />CUU;rry OF RM1SEY )'L) <br /> <br />I, tile unders i gned ~ bei niJ tile full If qual ifi ed and acti n{1 '1anarjer of tile <br />Cit'/ of Poseville,1innesota, do h:~reb'/ certif\l tilat T 'lave carefull'l cOin",an'd <br /> <br />t:L~ attached anJ <br /> <br />,. , <br />Tor,~;'Jf)lll''': <br /> <br />extract of I:i nutes cf Lic~cti rw of t:l(~ Cnwlci 1 Df <br /> <br />,') iJ i d <br /> <br />Cit\! ,;e:hl on ,a," 17, Fi7/f, \/it:1 til;) ori';inal ti,crcof (:n PiLi in :,;" office>, an:! t:i~~ <br /> <br />:;<11:,: is <.l full, true ilnd co::!)let'2 transcrir't therefrom insofar as the SilT1C relates <br />to ills t i tuti nl an adc!endull to extend tile ,1llount of tiLl::':: fro:'1 3D dalls to G~) da"s <br />afct:r tile bid chtc citllcd for L\I the Contract; and, to scni:1rate ti12 !)id dOCUllent <br />into t\JO i'arts, "/,," and" ", of "/:1ich ilLj' ',';'ould ;1rillilril'J consist of till::: Transit <br />/\vcnue ;lroject, P-SS-ST - 74-(:;, of Fie 1074 Irlrrovi~!.lents-Series 7. <br /> <br />Trl ~;iY ii/\.m as SUCil !1anarkr and tile corr'orate s:.:al of :;,lid Cit" t,!'is <br /> <br />Int.i <br /> <br />dil'l of ,ia'l) LJIL <br /> <br />() .' /7 <br />--4 ~4U ' -4. LY/--nAc.e <br />-VI----' -- - - ~1~~'-;1-0-(~-r--------- - -- ------ ___n <br /> <br />'J [ II L <br />