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<br />~ <br /> <br />j,ii.: CLy ;:anager 0';':;..2 City 0',= :\oseville is hereby authorized <br /> <br />to prepur~ Q cen;ificd copy of ',:;,',i s resoll.r~": en and to certify the same to <br /> <br />the COJn~y A~Ji~or of Ramsey County, Minnesota. <br /> <br />T:-le mo'cion for the adop"Cion of tile ''=oregoing resolution Has <br /> <br />GU'ly S8C0'-:(.8(1 JY :<2';1'-'2f _ Hess <br /> <br />> anG upon vote being taken <br /> <br />thereoli, 'C,;c; ':=c ';; 0\':1 ,',0 voteG i:l ";=avc;,r th21"(;0::: All present <br /> <br />and 'che fo n O'i.'~ :'";9 vo'ceQ ago. L-,st SJi-:,2: None <br /> <br />VJ;12reupor. sa-:.... reS01L.tiori \"<'0.5 dec1ar2J dU"IY passed and ado;:':\2\.... <br /> <br />STATE OF ;',I.\.;~S~)TA) <br />\ <br /> <br />COUNTY OF ~A,S~Y ) S5 <br />) <br />CITY Or ROSL. __E ) <br /> <br />...~;ie undersigned, .Jeing tile GU;Y c:Jalified and acting i'ianager <br /> <br />of ~n~ Ci~j 0; K05~Jille> of Ramsey County, Minnesota, do here~y cer~ify <br /> <br />C:ia'c I nave c:"r2fully comparea ti'le attached and foregoing extraCi: of mi;iJtes <br /> <br />of a tegu'lar 1,12eting of said City Counen lield on the 13th <br /> <br />'.: ,_ \, ,'"".c <br />......v..j J I <br /> <br />_t1f!Y <br /> <br />, 197 4 <br /> <br />, with the original thereof on file i~ my office <br /> <br />and Lc sai,~e -I S u fu 1 i, true ana cwpl ete transcri pt therefrom i nsorar ;:s '':;0''112 <br /> <br />sa:1.2 i21ates '':;0 apportionrnent of assessments. <br /> <br />>;IT~ESS rw HAND officially as such jvianager this 14th day of May <br /> <br />1;7_4__. <br /> <br />..... .:. i-. L ) <br /> <br /> <br />/"i <br />/~ L, .Ih.. <br />~~-iT;G'--' <br />re~l.. ,":t"\I~f\ Cf\ <br />