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<br />EXTRACT OF f~HIUTES OF REGULAR r'~EETHIG OF THE CITY COUflCIL <br />OF ROSEVILLE, fVlIfiNESOTA, HELD Oil December 9, 1974 <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* :1 <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting <br />of the City Council of the City of Roseville, f1innesota, was duly called <br />and held at the Ci ty Hall in sai d City on the 9th day of December, 1974, <br /> <br />The fo 11 owi ng members were present: Mayor Linebarger <br /> <br />Councilmen Hess, Brennan, Curley and Demos <br /> <br />and the following members were absent: None <br /> <br />Member Curley <br />moved its adoption: <br /> <br />introduced the following resolution and <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 6188 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION M~ENDING RESOLUTIOi~ NO. 6163 <br /> <br />\.JIIEREAS, the Ci ty Council of the City of Rosevill e vacated <br />portions of Grandview Avenue and Matilda Street in Resolution No. 6163, <br />and; <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Ramse.y County Regi ster of Ti tles refuses to accept <br />the vacation as the description of the streets involved does not meet <br />thei r cri teri a ; <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED: <br /> <br />The City Council of the Ci ty of Rosevi 11 e hereby amends the <br />description used in Resolution No. 6163 to read as follows: <br /> <br />That portion of Grandview Avenue lying between the East line <br />of Lot 1, Block 2, Hillsborough No.2 extended south, and <br />the West line of Lot 1, Block 2, Hillsborough No.2 extended <br />South and that portion of the North one-half (ill;!) of Bismarck <br />Street lying westerly of the extension across it of the East <br />line of Matilda Street, as shown on the plat of Joy's Rice <br />Street Addition to Saint Paul and Easterly of the extension <br />across it of the East line of Lot 9, Block 5, Rice Street <br />Grandview Addition. <br />