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<br />IvllEREAS the County Auditor of Ramsey County requires that apportionment of <br /> <br />original assessment against each original tract where it has later been divided, <br /> <br />sold or conveyed be made by the Village Council of the Village of Roseville in order <br /> <br />that the proper assessment can he extended hy the County Auditor against each parcel <br /> <br />of property thereafter, after the same has been conveyed and divided, to commence <br /> <br />with the assessment to be collected in the year 1962 <br /> <br />and therea[ter. <br /> <br />NOW, TlIEREFORE, the Vi llap:e Counci I of the Vi llare of Rosevi lle does hereby <br /> <br />make the fo llcviinp: apportionment of an original assesst1ent as contained in said <br /> <br />roll assessment roll of October l3. 1961 ap:ainst the followin[' described properties: <br /> <br />Original Assessment: <br />Page 81 - Sheet 2S <br /> <br />Subj to Co Rd D; the E 235.6 ft <br />of Ii 435.6 it of N 13.3 ft of NW 1/4 <br />of NE 1/4 of 4, 29, 23 <br /> <br />'POO . 00 <br /> <br />Reapportionment: <br /> <br />E 235.6 ft of W 435.6 ft of ~ 133 <br />ft of NW 1/4 of NP 1/4 (subj tn Rds) <br />in Sec. 4, 29, 23 <br /> <br />$700.00 <br /> <br />Esnjt for ii/heeler St. ovel' (A.) <br />