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<br />(2) Vests tile City tlanagcr of the City of r::osevil L~ lIi th the <br />responsi0ility, authority, and rileans to: <br /> <br />( i.1 ) <br />request, in delineatins <br />on availaGle local mans <br />s i t:;s . <br /> <br />Delineate or assist t:le r\d~linistrator, at this <br />the limits of the areas havinq special flood hazards <br />of suffi ci ent scale to identify th0 1 ocati on of buil di nq <br /> <br />Ul) Provide such information as the ,~,drninistrator ina\! <br />request concet'l1inq present uses and occupilncy of tile flood plain. <br /> <br />(c) Cooperate iJit!1 Federal, State, and local agencies <br />anu private fin:s \'ihich undertake to study, survey, nap, and identify flood <br />plain areas, and COOpei"ate \lith neighborinr; cOri:rlunities !,tith respect to r;lanaq('Llent <br />of adjoining flood plain areas in order to prevent aggravation of existing hazards. <br /> <br />(d) Submit on tile anniversary date; of t:le conrnunit'l's initial <br />eligilJility an annual report to the /\dninistrator on the progress made durin<j tile <br />pdst year ~lit!lin VIe City in the development dnd irnpler,lentation of flood plain <br />lilanaC]Cnlent measures. <br /> <br />(3) l\ppoints the Director of Public \forks to rnaintain for pu:)lic <br />inspection and to furnish upon re~uE~st a record of elevations (in relation to <br />mean sea level) of the lov/cst floor (including baserient) of all nr:1,! or substantially <br />improved structures located in th2 special flood hazard areas. If the lowest floor <br />is Lielm'J grade on on'; or more sides, t:1C~ (~levation of t'le! floor irnrnc?uiatellf above <br />must also be recorded. <br /> <br />(4) Agrees to take such other official action as may be reasonably <br />necr.;ssary to carry out the objecti ve5 of the pro([rarn. <br /> <br />T::[ Llotion fer the adoption of tile fore]oing resolution \Ias duly <br />32conded by '1ernber Demos , and upon vote Llei n(T taken ti12reon, the foll OIl; w' <br />voted i.n favor thereof: All present <br />and the: fo11O'.:in~ voted aGainst SoJ,ie; None <br />iereupon said resolution \filS declan0d duly passed ilnd adonted. <br /> <br />SHin: Jr 'iLJiESDTr\ <br />CCrJ,:TY JF R/\ilS:::V <br /> <br />) rr <br />\ ,J,) <br />} <br /> <br />I, tile unr]p.rsi~Jned, Ueltl'] the fLlll~/lualifiwl and actiw1 :,ananer of the <br />Ci ty of ~os!'vi 11.;:;, Parns2Y Count,:', 11i nnesota, do :lc'rr;li\! certi fy that I :l(1VC <br />carefully cOi!1pared the; attached and for(;C)oi 11'1 extract of ni nut'~s of i1 rcqul ar <br />F1e<~tin Of ~(J~d Cit~' Council !I?ld?n Vir; 2~rd :1a" of J~e ,1\1]f), <br />'.lith t orl'-'lral tv:n;of on f1lc 1r1 ::1\/ off1C(; 2nd tiE' Sili'r: 15 a full, tru:~ ilne] <br />co;;;'l t.::~ transcrirt t:i'r,:;fron insofar JS t'le; S,FT; rclLrses to r>lc:>c!r;in'l t::c~ Int:,-;nt <br />O'F Cit," of P.Gs';vi112 to Partic;n;'\c: in the noo..] Insurance' f1ro,-.rail. <br /> <br />]Tii:;;::~=~; r',/ :~J".:'! 'jFFICHLLY as suerl fiana~er t!ds_~:?_t___,_day of <br />July, 1975. <br /> <br />(:,:;':,'\L) <br /> <br />/".) "~~" <br />{/ .-( <br />/",' , ,-", -........,t '// ",'I <br />~/ ",.tit ; IL0:"r"~-:_ ~::-=ff:':::_,,,,__,__,____,__,__ <br />// " C1f\' rlt\Jl;/Jct": <br />I <br />i// <br />