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<br />[XTRJ\CT :1F ;11 n 5)r REG,ULr\;; i1EETI:1G nr THE CITY CnU':CIL <br />OF r,OS[ IL L, [!lI:UESOU., ilCLD June 23, 1975 <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />* <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a rCl]ular meetinq of <br /> <br />t:1C Ci t,y Caunei 1 of the Ci tv of Rosevi 11 c} r1i nncsota Vfas duly ea 11 ed and <br /> <br />held at the City i)a11 in said City on the 23rd <br /> <br />dav of June, 1975 <br /> <br />at 7:3D <br /> <br />o'clock 'l.ln. <br /> <br />Mayor Linebarger, <br />The fo11O\:inr; r~lcnLJers l,r~n: ;,rcsc:nt. Councilmen Curley, Demos and <br />Brennan <br /> <br />and <br /> <br />+- ~'" :,-) <br />Loll.... <br /> <br />fo 11 md n(; r1C;!lbers l'fere absent: Councilman Hess <br /> <br />" , <br />,e!i1Der Curley <br />noved its adoption: <br /> <br />i nt roduced the foll Old n0 reso 1 uti on and <br /> <br />RESOLUTI 'ii In. 6276 <br /> <br />RESOLUTI:\: RE:iUESTIfiG FED[f~P\L I !SllRJ\:IC[ ,1l,D'1rlrSTfjp,TIU:J J!) <br />REVI FUPTHER THE spccrl'.L FLOOD 111\2/\1'1) ,r\RE"S LI Rf1SEVILLE <br /> <br />GC IT RESOLVED bv the Citv Council of the Citv of Rosevil10 <br /> <br />as follm'/s: <br /> <br />n:Ei([i~S, the Citv of Roseville has received and revie\.'ed in <br /> <br />C;.2pt:l i:hc s peci a 1 f1 ood : I aza rJ a rea !fluD, dated J an ua rv 2/l, n 75, as <br /> <br />issu2,j u" t:j:~ Jepi1rtJk~nt of i;r),Dinq and L:d.ian fjcvclolJrlent in tiJE~ r:;deral <br /> <br />Insura(;ec /\l1Iiinistratioii, and <br />,J;:;:'C/\S, trL: Citv of Eos;:villc has identifit:cl areas deh it <br /> <br />feels :;:IOl11J l)c~ reEl0V2d fron! the subject r:an, and <br />,;:iU;Ul,:';, t:le Cit'! of r~oscville :ias also identifieJ ar;'as ',ihidl <br /> <br />it L:els s:loulJ Lc rcvi2~:ed for inclusion to tiJc~ snecial flood iJUzard area <br /> <br />i:lap. <br /> <br />,F!':!, TilE F,JP,l~, [;[ IT RLSDLVU) 'wY Tf:E CITY C:JU,lCIL OF T:;:= CITY <br />iJF RUSEVILLL, 'lI.LlLSJT;~, t:lat the request is ;x;ing "lade of the Federal <br />Ins urance Adr:li ni strati on , Cicrartr.lent of i lous i nq and LJr~)an rh:;vi.: 1 opl~lent, to <br />further revie\1 tile area:; identified as Special Flood :;azard r~n:as in the <br />City of F;ost3ville. both for inclusion of additional sitc:s and for rer.lOval <br />of some noted sites. <br />