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<br />Extract of Ilinutes of r1eeting 0 f the <br />Village Council <br />Village of Roseville <br />County of Ramsey <br />State of rlinnesota <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meetinQ' of the Village <br /> <br />Council of the Village of Roseville, Ramsey County, rlinnesota, was duly held in the <br /> <br />Vi llage !lall at 2701 North Lexington Avenue, St Q Paul, Ilinnesota, on ~Ionday, the <br /> <br />./~_clay Ofc:P~ 1962, at R;OO o'clock r,M, <br /> <br />'rJ, /?7~ ~ <br />The folIowin,rr members were present; //?~ / <br /> <br />/...b~/ ~ ' ~ .~~ <br /> <br /> <br />and the fo11o\llinr. were absent c?~~ <br /> <br />~~ J~..:; introduced the following resolution and moved its <br /> <br />adoption. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NOo~_~O <br /> <br />RESOLUTION RELATING TO APPORTION~1ENT OF ASSESSMENTS <br />I~ELATING TO SANITAI~Y-'SEI'JER P.IPROVErlEN'r NO, 3 <br /> <br />BE IT I~ESOLVED by the Vi lIagc Counei 1 of the Village of Rosevi lIe, Minnesota, <br /> <br />as follows <br /> <br />WHEREAS the Assessment Roll for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No,..1.... as last finally <br /> <br />amended and aJopted on Octob,er 13, 19,61 <br /> <br />was filed and certified to the County Auditor <br /> <br />of Ramsey County on N?vember~,5.,,~,1961;,.,._ for the purpose of including installments thereof <br /> <br />to be collected along with real estate taxes commencing in lHt2 <br /> <br />, and <br /> <br />WHEREAS parcels of property as contained in the original assessment roll as <br /> <br />certified, have since been divided and conveyed by property owners, and <br />