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<br />RFSOLUTION NO. 637 <br /> <br />ACCEPTInG i3IDS FOR SA:\fITAHY SE~vER I'lPROVE'/ENT NO. 4 <br /> <br />\\TiER.EAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the improvement <br />of Sani tar)' Sewer No.4, bids \<lere received, c:,enec1 and tabulated accordin~ <br />to law, and the fOllowin?: bids were received complyinR with the a(lvertise11lent: <br /> <br />Project No. 1 <br /> <br />Bid <br /> <br />Orfei fi Sons, St. raul, r<inn. <br />Robert "J. ;'!oore, St. Paul, llinn. <br />Barbarash & Sons, Inc. <br />Peter Lametti Canst., St. Paul, 1Iinn. <br />r,lorettini Canst. Co., St. Paul, 'linn. <br />Johnson Bros., Minneapolis, Minn. <br />Branson Const. Co., St. Paul, ;Ii.nn. <br /> <br />$127,897.55 <br />134,393.00 <br />137,655.00 <br />166,180.50 <br />194,076.50 <br />199,666.00 <br />203,091. 00 <br /> <br />Project No. 2 <br /> <br />Bid <br /> <br />Acton Canst. Co., St. Paul, 'linn. <br />Deduct for Prefabricated Station <br /> <br />$ 35,977.00 <br />6,355.00 <br />$ 29,622.00 <br /> <br />AND '\llEREAS, it appears that Orfei & Sons of St. Paul, "Iinnesota, <br />and Acton Construction Co. of St. Paul, 'linnesota were lowest responsible <br />bidders, <br /> <br />~!()l\' THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF nOSEVILLE, <br /> <br />f'INNESOTA: <br /> <br />1. The "layor and the actin,')' clerk are hereby authorized and <br />directed to er~ter into the attached contract with Orfei & Sons of St. Paul, <br />~rinnesota, and Acton Construction Com:'any of St. Paul, 'linnesota in the na)'~c <br />of the Villap:e of noseville, \iinnesota for the im?rovement of Sani tar)' S0\':er <br />No. 4 accordinG' to the 7'11ans and srecifications therefore Clr1'JrOvcJ by the <br />Vil1a~r.e Council and on fiL~ in the office of the Villa'Tc Cler];. <br /> <br />2. The Actinr Villave Clerk is hereby authorized and directed <br />to return forthwith to all bidders the (]e:posi ts made with their bids, except <br />that the denosit of the successful bidder and the next lowest biJder shall be <br />retaine(' until a contract has been 5i rrned. <br /> <br />i\dootec by the Vi 11a,'7e Connd 1 this 8th day of October. 1962. <br /> <br />'C,Et.L <br /> <br />,/7 --' .//) <br /> <br />/~~~~ <br /> <br />V <br />