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<br />I;XTPv'\CT or r;V'!lJTES OF 'fEETP,!C OF TEE VILlAGE <br />COUNCIL OF TIlE VILLAGE OF ROSEVILLE, r;WNESOTA HELD ON <br />NOVE'!13EP. 7, 1962 <br /> <br />* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a succial meeting <br />cf tho Villa?e Council of the VillaEe 0:: Roseville, "'innesot,:: ltJas <br />duly held at the Vil18.;.:;e Hall in 58-ill 'filla;:re on 1\Tec1nesday, <br />tl1e 7tl1 day of November, 1962, at 8:00 o'clock P.'l. <br /> <br />'1110 fa llowin;; members were present: : layor ; fcGee , <br />Trustees Coodrich, Kllsterrmnn and Schrenker <br /> <br />and the following Has absent: Trustee FlanafTan <br /> <br />!ember ~ooclrich then introduced ar:(1 ':lOve,] the ac1o.:ction of <br />the followin~ resolutior:: <br /> <br />PESOLlJTICli.! NO. 648 <br /> <br />RESOLUTIOiJ /"CCEPTINC BID ON EnSE!)!\Lf~ i)IiI\rs SF'E'7. <br />nlPrWVE lEi,!T <br /> <br />\"IIEf',.EAS, pursuant to an advertisement :for bids ("or the installation <br />of sani tar)' sel"cr in "..o5edale Drive beti"een Roselawn ;,\venue and Draper <br />Drive bids \lfe1~e received, opened and tabulated accordin;. to lal':, and t11e <br />followinp: bids I'Jera received complyin,,; ~^,i th t]'c advertisement: <br /> <br />'Torcttini Construction C01Jrany <br />Bianconi Construction Company <br />C)rf'ei and Sons, Inc. <br />Robert :l. '1001'0 <br />Austin l:el1er Construction <br /> <br />$2,362.00 <br />2,395.20 <br />1,494.79 <br />1.805.30 <br />I, 882 . 45 <br /> <br />/\ND ~n:En::AS, it a:J['cars that Orrei ane Sons, Inc. of 1/,osevillc, <br />:!i.nncsota is t;le lowest 1'05'Jonsib1e bidder, <br /> <br />UDi~', TIIEREFJFE, Fe IT PESI)LVEn BY TEE VILL\CE COliI.!ClL C? <br />;~i]SEVILLE ,'.!Ir,!l'JESGT/\: <br /> <br />1. 'IlIC ,;ayor and Clerk are hereby aut:lOrized and (~i1'ected te, <br />enter into the attached contract with t)rfei and Sons, Inc. oj:' l'oscville, <br />'linnescta. in tLe n;:ce of the Vi11a70 of Ros01li11e for the instnll:ltion <br />of sanitaT}t "ewer in T'.o:;cd;lle Drive bct',,;ccn ~osel;:tlm :\venue and nrap~r <br />Drive n.ccordinf:' to the plans and specificc.tions t;lC:lrefor 2.n;-yovcc] hy ti,8 <br />'/illar;c Council and on File in the office of the Villaoe C1e1'\. <br /> <br />2. The Villa~J:e Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return <br /> to all hic1ders the deYJOsi ts )'lade with t1leir bids, exccr,t that <br />tlle c1.e')osi ts of the successful bidder and the next 101.'8St ljidder shell be <br />retained until a contract has been sir;ned. <br />