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<br />Extract of Hinutes of ?1ceting of the <br />Vi 11 age Council <br />Village of Roseville <br />County of Ramsey <br />State of ilinnesota <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Village <br /> <br />Council of the Village of Roseville, Ramsey County, :Iinnesota, was duly held in the <br /> <br />Vi llage llall at: 2701 North Lexington Avenue, St" Paul, rlinnesota, on :Ionday, the <br /> <br /> <br />4 ~day of February , 196j~ at 1LOO o'clock P,~L, <br /> <br />The followinp menbers were present <br /> <br />Mayor McGee, Trustees Curley, GoOdrich, <br /> <br />Kuster-mann and Schrenker <br /> <br />and the follo\ITin~ \vere absent.. <br /> <br />None <br /> <br />M~ber_~~le~ ~~~__. <br /> <br />introduced the following resolution and moved its <br /> <br />adoption '. <br /> <br />nESOLUTION NO, 690 <br /> <br />EESOLUTIO!-J RELATING TO i\PPORTION~lENT or ASSESS:,IENTS <br />!~ELATING TO SANITARY SEh'tR nlPROVIJllNT NO, 3 <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Roseville, ilinnesota, <br /> <br />as follows <br /> <br />WHEREAS the Assessment Roll for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No Q 2.. as 1 ast finally <br /> <br />amended amI adopted on Octo.!,?,or 13, l?,~l <br /> <br />was filed and certified to the County Auditor <br /> <br />of Ramsey County on November IS, 1961 for the purpose of including installments thereof <br /> <br />to be collected along with real estate taxes commencing in <br /> <br />12~~ <br /> <br />, and <br /> <br />WlIEi~EAS parce Is of property as contained in the orip:inal assessment roll as <br /> <br />certified.t have since been divided and conveyed by property owners, and <br />