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<br />\'JlJEREAS since that date a munber of parcels of prorerty contained within said <br /> <br />assessment roll as amended have been divided and conveyed by rrevious property <br /> <br />owners and <br /> <br />\VHEREAS, the County Auditor of Ramsey County requires that apportionment of <br /> <br />the original assessment against each original tract where it has later been divided, <br />so ld or conveyed, be made by the Vi llage Counci 1 of"'~J;e Vi Uage of Rosevi11e in order <br />that the proper assessment can be extended by the County Auditor against each parcel <br />of property thereafter, commencing with an assessment to be collected in the year <br />1961 and thereafter, <br />NOIIl, TI-JEREFORE, the Village Council of the Village of Roseville does hereby <br /> <br />make the following aprortionment of original assessments as contained in said <br /> <br />assessment roll of November 9. 1959 and as amended as of DectEber 14, l~ainst the <br />following described properties: <br /> <br />OBIGIlt.AL ASSESSMEltT <br /> <br />Ex W 137 ft, part ot N i or <br />s -k ot sw t ot HE i, W ot <br />ex1;eaded CL ot Dell'WOOd st, <br />11l See 1.0, '1' 29, R 23 <br /> <br />Page 202 <br />Sheet 68 <br /> <br />$400.00 <br /> <br />API'OR!'IONMElfr <br /> <br />E 213 it ot W 350 ft ot N ~ <br />ot S t ot SW t ot HE t of <br />See 10, T 29, R 23 <br /> <br />Ex: W 3~ ft, part of' N i ot S t ot SW t- <br />ot NE t, W of exteDded CL ot Dellwood . <br />st 1. See 10, ~ 29, R 23. <br /> <br />It>teJ Parcel (2) aeql.l1red by Vlllage <br />ot lbeenl1e oa Dee 21, 1962 <br /> <br />$320.00 <br /> <br />$ 80.00 <br />