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<br />WHEREAS since that elate a number of parcels of property contained within said <br /> <br />assessment roll as amended have been divided and conveyed by rrevious property <br /> <br />owners and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the County Auditor of Ramsey County requires that apportionment of <br /> <br />the original assessment against each original tract where it has later been divided, <br /> <br />so ld or conveyed, be made by the Vi llage Counci 1 of the Vi llage of Rosevi lle in order <br />that the proper assessment can be extended by the County Auditor against each parcel <br />of property thereafter, commencing with an assessment to be collected in the year <br />~ and thereafter, <br /> <br />NOIIJ, TIIEREFORE, the Village Council of the Village of Roseville does hereby <br /> <br />make the following apportionment of original assessments as containecI in said <br />-"-"",,,,, n l nc:o J)ecfi8bel" 14, 1960 . <br />assessment roll 0[-"'- 7' ~"'7 and as amended as of agaInst the <br /> <br />following described properties: <br /> <br />~ A;;'~~ <br /> <br />___~ u.1 ;~ lb. '10 <br />~D <br /> <br />~115.00 <br /> <br />~~21 <br />;':Iaeat, 6<) <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />&c l;i 360 tti ~"t. D <br /> <br />072385.62 <br /> <br />t: Ja) tt or w 360 tJ.o or tTlIIL."'t n <br /> <br />':;lU49.. 38 <br />4i 100.00 <br /> <br />w 1fO tt. of ~~ 1J <br />