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<br />WlIEREAS the County Auditor of Ramsey County requires that apportionment of <br /> <br />oririnal assessment against each original tract ~lere it has later been divided, <br /> <br />sold or conveyed be made by the Village Council of the Village of Roseville in order <br /> <br />that the proper assessment can be extended by the County Auditor against each parcel <br /> <br />of property thereafter, after the Same has been conveyed and divided, to commence <br /> <br />IVi th the assessment to be collected in the year 19E~2 <br /> <br />aml thereafter. <br /> <br />NO\\', TIIEREFOHE, the Village Counci 1 of the Vi Uage of Hosevi lIe does hereby <br /> <br />\1ake the followinG apportionp1ent of an original assessment as contained in said <br /> <br />roll assessment roll of October 13, 1961 against the followinp; described properties: <br /> <br />~~:~:I~ <br /> <br />~, N o:t ~i1td.& 0IIu80 m...u.. <br />Plat 1 &~j Qj.' ~1. !'b~ <br />Jidd i'1at 2 r4 t\ tot m~t 8\IbJ <br />tfo') .. 1. ,;tjM:; 1, '! ...'9 r~t:J <br /> <br />$J.O,11B. '(5 <br /> <br />~li..~ <br />1]... ~1 <br /> <br />~~ <br /> <br />.Qic .~ Ft/.tk ,7'!:t& .1... l'.b;.~ 158tle4J <br />~, lj ~::a1,dQ OWUeo !lU$ p;at <br />1. .. W 04' ~1as;l)I'1JNt.1Ol1 1ld,.1 l~'t ,~ <br />of.; ~ or D t, NbJ to rWlJ 1. <br />;:ec 1, "l :?9, n ~~3 <br /> <br />;, ~ [-.liil ,:lit:: <br />.)1 v, ,,,", *f;:I <br /> <br />(;45 tt. f.>t ~,,: l7l t't ot' !:: 150.81 ttot <br />:;iw .. Qf .I:Z i. .. tbe~~ Q t.:'1ucJ.e <br />1..11 If.i:i: 001' ~wr1ae 132ft. o.all lJ.AlI,: iI <br />)1.4 n (>. t1: 11u & t':l<:: ~ ta KIlo"'.. <br />.~1 Add ~11tl1.t 2' . !\Icldk ~ <br />.. }llatl, liilll ;t 1i <br />1, ... 2<), J:; <br /> <br />$ 1..237.;0 <br />