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<br />~-<...A../ then introduced the following resolution and <br /> <br />moved its adoption: <br /> <br />k:.d zt 7 J(, <br /> <br />RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE FORM AND TERMS <br />OF $206,000 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT BONDS, <br />SERIES I, DmECTING THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY <br />'lHEREOF AND LEVTING TAXES 'IREREFOR <br /> <br />follov7s : <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Roseville, Minnesota, as <br /> <br />1. The Sanitary Sewer Improvement Bonds, Series I, sold by resolution <br />adopted this date, shall be issued and secured in accordance with the provisions of <br />Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 1~29 and 475 and of the resolution adopted June 26, <br />1956, entitled ''RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A SINKING FUND FOR THE PAYMENT OF SANITARY <br />SElVER IMPROVEMENT BONDS AND APPROPRIATING ID THAT FUND TAXES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS <br />LEVIED FOR IMPROVEMEN'IS FINANCED BY SUCH BONDS, II which is by reference incorporated <br />herein and made a :part hereof. The bonds shall be in number and numbered from <br />1 to , inclusive, each in the denomination of $ and in the aggregate <br />~ount of $206,000, designated Sanitary Sewer Improvement Bonds, Series I, dated as <br />of July 1, 1963, and shall mature serially on July 1 in the amount of $16,000 in the <br />year 196h, and $10,000 in each of the years 1965 through 1983. The bonds maturing <br />in the years 1964 through 1968 shall not be subject to redemption before maturity, <br />but those maturing in the years 1969 through 1983 shall be each subject to redemp- <br /> <br />-11- <br />