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City Council Resolutions
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7/17/2007 9:09:22 AM
Creation date
4/23/2005 5:25:51 PM
Roseville City Council
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Council Resolutions
Resolution #
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<br />~~ 757 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A SINKING .FUND FOR THE <br />PAYMENT OF GEImRAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS AND APPRO- <br />PRIATING 'ID THAT FUND TAXES AND SPECIAL ASSESS- <br />W"..NTS LEVIED FOR IMPROVEMENTS FINANCED BY SUCH <br />BONDS <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED BY w:E Council of the Village of Roseville, Minnesota, as <br /> <br />follows: <br /> <br />1. Under and pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections <br />429.091 and 475.61, a separate and special fund is created and shall hereafter be <br />maintained by the Treasurer on the official books and records of the Village, to be <br />designated as the General Improvement Bond Sinking Fund. '!his fund shall be used <br />only to pay the principal of and interest on general obligation improvement bonds of <br />the Village, issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, and any future acts <br />amending or sU];lplementing the same, to finance 1m:provements other than improvements <br />of the municipal water and sewerage systems j provided that no bonds shall be issued <br />and made payable from this fund tmless the improvement or improvements financed <br />thereby shall have been duly ordered after public hearing as required by Chapter <br />429, and a contract has been a.warded or other provision made as therein required, <br />for the construction of all or a portion of each such improvement, and the Council <br />has by resolution created a. separate and special Improvement Fund for each such <br />improvement and has appropriated thereto from the proceeds of such bonds a sum suffi- <br />cient to pay all or any designated portion of the cost of such improvement, in anti- <br />cipation of the levy and collection of special assessments upon properties benefited <br />by the improvement and, if so determined by the Council, taxes upon all taxable prop- <br />erty within the corporate limits of the Village by reason of the benefits which the <br />Village at large will derive therefrom. <br /> <br />2. In accordance 'With Minnesota Statutes, Section 475.61, the Council <br />shall, before the delivery of issue of bonds PB\Ya.ble from the General Improve- <br />ment Bond Sinking Fund, leyy by resolution, if such levy is required, a direct, gen- <br />eral, ad valorem tax upon all property in the Village, to be spread upon the <br />tax rolls for each year of the term of the bonds, in specified amounts such that if <br />co~ected in full they, together with estimated collections of all special assess- <br />ments and taxes then or theretofore appropriated to the Sinking Fund, will produce <br />sums at least 5% in excess of the amount needed to meet each year when due the prin- <br />cipal and interest payments on all bonds payable fram the Sinking Fund, including <br />the bonds then issued, and the Clerk shall file a certified ccrpy of each such reso- <br />lution in the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, together with :full <br />informa.tion regarding the bonds for which the tax is levied or, if no tax is then <br />levied, full information regarding the special assesmnents and other moneys a.ppro- <br />priated to the Sinking Fund in lieu of such tax levy. No further action by the <br />Village shall be required to authorize the extension, assessment and collection of <br />the tax, but the Village's liability on the bonds shall not be limited thereto, and <br />the Council shall levy and cause to be extended, assessed and collected any addi- <br />tional taxes found necessary for full payment of the principal and interest, when <br />due, of all bonds payable from the General Improvement Bond Sinking Fund. All tax <br />levies so made and filed shall be irrevocable, except to the extent and in the man- <br />ner specified in Section 475.61, and the General Improvement Bond Sinking Fund shall <br />be administered and invested in accordance with Section 475.66. <br /> <br />~18- <br />
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