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<br />each improvement. ~e amounts stated in paragraph 3 shall be paid into the respec- <br />tive funds created for said improvements, in anticipation of the levies and collec- <br />tion of special assessments upon properties benefited thereby. It is estimated that <br />said special assessments will be levied in an aggregate principal amount not less <br />than $ , and 'lill be made payable in 20 equal annual installments of principal) <br />wi th interest at the rate of 5% per annum on the balance thereof from time to time <br />unpaid. For the purpose of producing, together with the collections of said special <br />assessments, sums not less than 5% in excess of the amounts required to pay when due <br />the principal and interest on the bonds herein authorized, there is hereby levied <br />upon all of the taxable property wi thin the Village a tax to be spread upon the tax <br />rolls of each of the years 1963 to 1982, inclusive, in the following respective <br />amounts: <br /> <br />~ Amount Year Amount <br /> - <br />1963 1973 <br />1964 1974 <br />1965 1975 <br />1966 1976 <br />1967 1977 <br />1968 1978 <br />1969 1979 <br />1970 1980 <br />1971 1981 <br />1972 1982 <br /> <br />The proceeds of this tax levy are hereby appropriated to the General Improvement <br />Bond Sinking Fund, together with the special assessments collected after the 1m- <br />provement is completed and the cost thereof paid. The full faith and credit of the <br />Village is pledged for the prompt and full payment of the principal of and interest <br />on the bonds. <br /> <br />5. ~e Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file a certi- <br />fied copy of this resolution with the County Auditor of Ramsey County, together <br />with such other 1nt'ormation as he sha.ll require, and to obtain :from said County <br />Auditor a certificate that said bonds have been entered on his bond register. <br /> <br />6. The officers of the Village and the County Auditor of Ramsey County <br />are hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the purchaser of the <br />bonds and to the attorneys approving the legality of the issuance thereof certified <br />copies of all proceedings and records relating to said bonds and to the financial <br />a.ffairs of the, and such other affidavits, certificates and information as <br />may be required to show the facts relating to the legality and marketability of the <br />bonds as the same appear from the books and records under their custody and control <br />or as otherwise known to them, and such certificates, certified copies and affida- <br />vits, including any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed representations of the <br />Village as to the correctness of all statements contained therein. <br /> <br />-25- <br />