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<br />!he V111ase Clerk of tbe V'lllage of Ibseville is hereby au.thor1zed to pr8]l&N <br />a cert1t1ed copy ot this resolution and. to certify the Bame to the Cou.n.ty Aud1wr <br /> <br />of R8m1ey Oou.n.ty, Minnesota. <br />!he motion for the adoption of the foregoicg resolution was duly seconded b7 <br />~ t\ ii\ 11 ',- :v'.,-:l'\. ~"\\ .. and upon vote being taken thereon, the tollowias <br /> <br />voted in favor thereof: <br /> <br />~ \',-ci ",},- <br /> <br />and the following voted against same: <br /> <br />('\'\..~ '-.L- <br /> <br />Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br /> <br />STA!J!E OF MINNESOTA <br />COUN'l'Y OF RAMSEY SS <br />VILLAGE OF }l)SEVILLE <br /> <br />I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the V1JJ.ase <br />of Ibsev1Ue of Rlmsey Cou.n.ty, Mlnnesota, do hereby certify that I have carefully <br />oompared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a regu.lar meeting of 8&14 <br />') <br />V111ase Couno1l held on the ~ day of ,A; 1963, with tlle on- <br /> <br /> <br />Sinal thereot on tile in my ottice and the s e is a fu.ll.. true uc1 complete tru.8- <br />or1pt therefrom insofar as the same relates to apportionment of ""~D.ts. <br />Il1'JDSS MY: IIAlID officially as such Clerk this /~d.ay of ~+ <br />' / <br /> <br />1963- <br /> <br />~A <br />/ <br /> <br />c. .~k . /~//2~A--f~ / <br /> <br />liage erk 1 <br />, <br /> <br />SEAL <br />