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<br />WHEREAS the County Auditor of Ramsey County requires that apportionment of <br /> <br />original assessment against each original tract where it has later been divided, <br /> <br />sold or conveyed be made by the Village Council of the Village of Rosevillc in order <br /> <br />that the proper assessment can be extended by the County Auditor against each parcel <br /> <br />of property thereafter, after the same has been conveyed and divided, to commence <br /> <br />wi th the assessment to be collected in the year 1962 <br /> <br />and thereafter. <br /> <br />NOIV, THEREFORE, the Vi llage Counci 1 of the Vi 11 age of Rosevi lle does hereby <br /> <br />make the followinp, apportionnent of an original assessment as contained in said <br /> <br />roll assessment roll of October 13, 1961 against the follo\vinp: described properties: <br /> <br />ORIGINAL AS3ESS~ENT (See Page 861 862 & 863, Sheet 54) <br /> <br />Joys Rice Street Addition, Lots 1 <br />thru 24, Blk 4 <br /> <br />Joys Rice Street Addition <br />Lots 25 thru 48, Blk 4 <br /> <br />$1,168.75 <br /> <br />$ 6113.75 <br /> <br />Joys Rice Street Addition <br />Lots 1 thru 16 and ex E <br />80 ft; Lots 17 & 18 & all <br />of Lots 33 thru 48, Blk 5 <br /> <br />RF'..APPORTIONMENT <br /> <br />Joys Rice Street Addition, Lots 17 <br />thru 32, Blk 4 <br /> <br />Joys Rice Street Addition, Lots 1 <br />thru 16 & 33 thru 48, B1k 4 * <br /> <br />Joys Rice Street Addition, Ex <br />E 80 Ft, Lots 17 & 18, Blk 5 <br /> <br />Joys Rice Street Addition, Lots 1 <br />thru 16 & 33 thru 48, B1k 5 if- <br /> <br />;i~l, 237.50 <br /> <br />$ 68.75 <br /> <br />~P1, 718. 75 <br /> <br />None <br /> <br />$1,237.50 <br /> <br />ifoVi11age of Rosevi11e <br />