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<br />WHEREAS, the statutes of the State of Minnesota state <br />that the Village has the power and authority to take and acquire <br />said property by condemnation under the power of eminent domain; <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE1 BE IT RESOLVED BY the Village Council for <br />the Village of Roseville, Minnesota, as follows: <br /> <br />The Village Council hereby deems that it is necessary <br />and convenient that an easement over the property described <br />below be acquired by said Village by condemnation under the <br />power of eminent domain, all of said property being situated <br />in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, to-wit: The <br />Westerly 15 feet of the following parcel, except the Southerly 33feet <br />therof: All of the E.~ of SE~ of SE~ of SE~, Sec. 9, T.29, <br />R. 23, subject to County Road B, and excepting <br />therefrom the following: The N. 280 feet of the <br />E. 283 feet of the E~ of SE~ of SE~ of SE~, Sec. 9, <br />T. 29, R. 23, subject to Snelling Ave., also known <br />as Trunk Highway 51, and except the N. 96.51 feet <br />of the S. 376.51 feet of E. 250 feet of the SE~ of <br />SE~ of SE~ of Sec. 9, T. 29, R. 23, subject to <br />Snelling Ave., also known as Trunk Highway No. 51, <br />and except N. 97 feet of S. 280 feet of the E. 250 <br />feet of the SE~ of SE~ of SE~, Sec. 9, T. 29, R. 23, <br />subject to Snelling Ave., also known as Trunk Highway <br />No. 51, and except the S. 183 feet of E. 183 feet of <br />SE~ of SE~ of SE~, Sec. 9, T. 29, R. 23, subject to <br />Snelling Ave. and County Road B. <br /> <br />That the estate to be acquired in the property described <br />above is a perpetual easement for constructing, maintaining, <br />operating, and repairing water mains, pipes, and appurtenances <br />over and across said property, together with ingress and egress. <br /> <br />That the Village Attorney be and he hereby is instructed <br />to institute the necessary proceedings in condemnation under <br />the power of eminent domain in the name and in behalf of the <br />Village of Roseville, Minnesota, to acquire the property herein- <br />above described under the statutes of the State of Minnesota, <br />and the said attorney is further instructed and directed to <br />take such steps as may be necessary to carry said proceedings <br />to a conclusion. <br /> <br />The Motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution <br />was duly seconded by Trustee Curley , and upon a vote <br />