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City Council Resolutions
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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:09:26 AM
Creation date
4/23/2005 5:27:07 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
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<br />-3- <br /> <br />swt of the mrt of Sec. 12, T. 29, R. 23) thenoe eanerly alDng said north liBe <br />to a po111t 300 teet vest. of the eaet line of said t t.b thence southerly along <br />a Une Jl&rallel to &Dd 300 feet. west of 'the east line ot said t t t to the nortb <br />Une of ()). M. B 2. thence so\ltbwesterly to a point on the south line of Co. <br />R:l. B 2J thence southwesterly to a poil1't on the south 11ne of Co. M. B 2, <br />250 feet easterly of the vest 11ne of Sec. 12, If. 29, R. 231 thence 8OIlt.berly <br />& a Une parallel to and 250 feet east ot the west line of' Sec. 12, If. 29, <br />It. 23, to ~e center Une ot state Ifrunk lfi~ No. 36. thenae Yesterly along <br />said center Une to ~e vest Une o:r Sec. 10, If. 29, R. 23. thence northerly <br />along said west line to tbe north Une of said Sec. 10, T. 29, R. 23. thence <br />north 359.41 teet along the east line ot Sec. 4, 1'. 29, R. 23. thence westerly' <br />200 teet, parallel to and 359.41 teet northerly ot the south line of Sec. 4, <br />'1'. 29, R. 23. thence northerly end parallel to the east line of Sec. 4, If. 29, <br />R. 23, to the north line ot the ~ of the sEk, Sec. 4, T. 29, R. 23. thence <br />westerly along the said north line to a point 233 teet easterlyot' the west line of <br />the SEt ot Sec. 4, T. 29, R. 23. thence sOl.ltherly and parallel to the west line <br />of said S>>l: to a point 1446 feet soath of the north line of said tJ thence easterly <br />along a line parallel to the north Une of the SEt Sec. 4, T. 29, R. 23 to a point <br />2075 teet vest ot the east Une of said f;J thence southerly along a Une :Parallel <br />to the eut Une of said t to a Une pa.raJ.1el to aDd 1.926 teet so\Rb of tbe north <br />line of said 1+J thence wsterly along said pa.rallel line to & point 233 feet east <br />of the vest line ot' the said tJ thence ..Il'tberly and parallel to the west line Gf <br />said t to a point on a line parallel 'to and 200' northerly ot' the north lil1e ot <br />Co. M. CJ thence westerly along said Jl&raJ.lel line to the west line ot Fairviev <br />Ave. J thence southerly alollS sai4 vest line to . JlO1Dt on the nol"th line of the <br />
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