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<br />EXTRACT OF ;'1PHITI-:S Or: I1CETING O~~ TII12 'IILLi\r.E CnU~CIL OF <br />ROSEVILLE ,UNl\tSOTA, fIELD OCTOBER 14, 1963 <br /> <br />* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a rC,ovlar mcetinp; OC <br />the Villa.?:e Council of the Village of Roseville, ~U.nnesota, Nas duly <br />called cmd he lcl at ete Village Hall in sa:i.d vi HaGa on October 14, 1963 <br />at 8: 00 D. u. The followinp: me'l1bers '-jere present: Ha)'or ~!cC~ee, <br />Trustees Curle)', Goodrich, Schrenker and Kustermann <br /> <br />and the -rollowinrr members 1vere absent: <br />~, ..> <br /> <br />None <br /> <br />"ember Schrenker <br />and moved its adophon: <br /> <br />introduced the fnlloHinp- r~esolution <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 864 <br /> <br />:~IEPEAS, the Villaze of Falcon Heights has requested thnt the <br />Villarre of Rosev:Ule allm'J connection of ten rrorerties located on the <br />1'lOst side of Snellins': l\venue just south of Posela,1In1 P,.venue to the <br />Poseville water system; <br /> <br />N01\', lHEP,EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village C01illCil of <br />Roseville, :linnesota, that the Board of !\later Commissioners of the <br />City of St. Paul, authorize the Villap:e of Poseville to connect the <br />above mentioned -r:rm;erties to its vIater system. <br />~, ,A. of <br /> <br />The motion :for the adoption of the forelSoinF resolution was <br />duly seconded by:!ernber Goodrich , and upon vote being taken thereon, <br />all members '.vere in favor 01: the same and no one voted arrainst the <br />\,..~ <br />resolution. <br /> <br />~\1lIwu~un()N, said resolution was declared duly passed and <br /> <br />ado;"tecl. <br /> <br />STATI~ ryf. ~Ui'TI'JES:)TA) <br />) S~ <br />cnUN1Y or. RN1SEY ) <br /> <br />I, the undersigned being the duly qualified Clerk or- the <br />Villaee of Roseville, r'linnesota, do hereby certify that I have carefully <br />cOillFared the attadled and foreeoing extract of the minutes of a re,gular <br />meetinr: of the Village COl.mcil of the Village of Roseville, 11innesota, held <br />on the 14th day of October, 1963, with the original on file in my oFfice, <br />and the same is a full, true and complete transcript therefrom insofar as the <br />same relates to a resolution regarding Falcon IIeizhts connection to the <br />Roseville water system. <br /> <br />PIT-JESS my hand as such Clerk and the corporate seal of the <br />Village of Pose vi lIe this 15 thday of October, 1963. <br /> <br />SEAL <br /> <br /> <br />" <br />, <br />