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<br />-2- <br /> <br />Streets of said Village of' Roseville, subject to the approval of the <br /> <br />Commissioner of Highways of the state of' Minnesota. <br /> <br />BE IT F'UH.THER RESOLVED, tllat the Village Clerk is hereby authorized <br /> <br />and directed to i'orward two (2) certified copies of' this resolution to <br /> <br />tl1e Commissioner of' HJgl1ways 1'01' his consideration, and that upon his <br /> <br />approval of the designation of' said street, or portion thereof, the <br /> <br />same be constructed, improved and maintained aJ Municipal state Aid <br /> <br />streets of' the Village of Roseville, to be numbered and known as Mun- <br /> <br />icipal 3tate Aid Street No. _ and No. _ respectively. <br /> <br />TIle motion for the adoption of' the foregoing resolution was duly <br /> <br />seconded by <br /> <br />r!ember Goodrich <br /> <br />, and upon vote being taken thereon, <br /> <br />thE; ."allowing voted in f'ev)T thereof': All present <br /> <br />and the following voted against s&ne: None <br /> <br />whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br /> <br />STATE 01<' MINNESOTA ) <br />) <br />COUNTY OF' R!\}lSEY ) SS <br />) <br />VIW,GE OF hDSEVILLE ) <br /> <br />I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of' the <br /> <br />Village of Hoseville of Hamsey County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that <br /> <br />I have carefully cornpareci the attached and f'oregoing extract of Minutes of <br /> <br />a regular meeting of' said Village Council held on the <br /> <br />2nd <br /> <br />day of' <br /> <br />I'-farch <br /> <br />, 196~, with the original thereof on file in lIl:JT office <br /> <br />and the same is a full, true and complete transcript therefrom. <br /> <br />WI'rNESS MY HAND OFFICIALLY as such Clerk this 3rd day of ~larch 196..4..- <br /> <br />\. ./.'.; ~ ~: J/ <br />... ... / :% <br />kzr:/d~y "'-? <br />Village Clerk <br /> <br />SEAL <br />