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<br />':mERGAS i.t appears that F. ~bTettini Construction Company of <br /> <br />St. Paul, Minnesota <br /> <br />is t;1e Im.Jest responsible <br /> <br />bidder at the tabulated prlce of $ 36.977.88 <br /> <br />110'J;, THEREFOR:::;; B:G IT 11ESOLVED by the City Council of the <br /> <br />City of Roseville y I1innesota ,: <br /> <br />1. The llayor and ~lanager are hereby authorized and <br /> <br />directed to enter in"to a contract v7i th F. }.brettini C..oI)c;tmrti on Company <br />for $36,977.88 in the name of the City of Roseville for <br /> <br />the above improvement according to the plans and specifications <br /> <br />thereof heretofore ap?roved by the City Council and on file <br /> <br />in the office of the City Manager. <br /> <br />2. The City [11anager is hereby authorized and directed <br /> <br />to return forth\7ithto all bidders the deposits made with their <br /> <br />bids except the deposits oE the successful bidder and the next <br /> <br />lowest bidder shall be retained until contracts have been <br /> <br />signed. <br /> <br />The notion ~'las 3ecoyde(~; by Councih'lan Grauel <br /> <br /> <br />and ui)on vote being taken thereon. the fOllmvin,J' voted in <br /> <br />favor thereof: 0 All present <br /> <br /> <br />and the fo1lovling voted against ~ None <br /> <br /> <br />\lhereupon said resolution was declared duly passed alid adopted. <br />