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Last modified
7/17/2007 9:09:58 AM
Creation date
4/25/2005 11:52:08 AM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
Resolution Title
Ordering the construction of Improvement No. SS-W-P-76-22 under and pursuant to Minnesota statutes, chapter 429
Resolution Date Passed
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<br />r4R. GEORGE HEI.1BREZ ~ I happE-~n co be a re12tive of the <br />owner of that landp r~r. Burger. The reason this is probably being <br />developed now is because Burger lost his wife a year or two ago <br />and he's quite ill. The daughters don't know exactly what to do <br />about him. They want to place him in a home because he's alone <br />and can't take care of himself. That's beside the point, but <br />that's the reason he probably sold. I remember years ago when <br />the same people came and wanted a street in there. Trouble those <br />days was that Mr. Burger was rather stubborn. He didn't want <br />to dedicate half of that street and he didn't want to take any <br />trees out - whatever there was there - so the deal didn't go <br />through because the at the tirne didn't want to pay. or buy <br />that property and pay for it. Now the plat is being submitted <br />to you and actually, I figure today that Burger is giving almost <br />two lots of land for the dedication of Shryer and also dedication <br />of Oxford. Oxford isn't marked, why is that? <br /> <br />l>LAYOR DE.f:lOS ~ That I s Oxford there 0 <br /> <br />~I1H. MEf-1BREZ ~ But the green line shows the paving will be <br />away from the homes to the north, isn't that right? You mentioned <br />grass and so on. I don't believe that would be for sale <br />if Mr. Burger was in good health. He's got to do something - or <br />the daughters - to take care of him. Years ago we had no ordinances <br />and we used to have houses built 70 feet back of an alley or a <br />street or anything that they had. Now, of course, we have ordin- <br />ances providing that you cannot build more than one house on one <br />lot. That's the reason this plat was submitted, because as it is <br />now the only thing you could do is build one house on that big <br />piece of land. I know that the village is improving with their <br />ordinances - they're doing a better job. I've gone through it for <br />many years and I'm happy to know that we have rules and regulations. <br />A man cannot build a house bac~ of the street - that's 30 feet - <br />but if other streets are a little further away. he can build <br />according to the other homes, but 30 feet is a minimum and it's a <br />good thing. As Mr. Anderson pointed out, we need good streets <br />in this community and this is one way to do it. We're getting <br />the property free - I'm talkiI1g about the city now - the property <br />is free to the ,-'ity because this man had to dedicate that kind of <br />land to get the street in, so I hope that you will consider that. <br /> <br />HH. DAVIS: 'J'he only reason he'll give it now is because it <br />benefits him - the sale of the property - but when it benefitted <br />the rest of us they weren't willing to do it then. <br /> <br />6 <br />
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