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<br />tJ1at the prooosec1 assessnent roll is on file lli tl1 the Hanaqer, <br />and tha-t ~:.Jri:r_.ten or oral objections .thereto by any pro~erty <br />owner will be considered. It shall be published in the official <br />newspaper of the City at least once, and shall he mailed to the <br />mmer of each Darcel described in the assessment roll, not less <br />than tHO ~veeks-' prior to the date of said meeting. For the <br />purpose of such mailed notice I m.mers of said r:>arcels shall be <br />those shovm as such on the records of the County Treasurer. <br />Every property ONDer '\'1hose name c10es not appear on such <br />records (other than m'!J1ers of proDerty "7hich is tax exeJ11pt or <br />is taxed on a gross earnings basis) shall be deemed to have <br />\.!aived such mailed notice unless he has reauested in 'VTri tinCT <br />that the County rrreasurer incluCle his on the recoro.s for <br />this purpose. <br /> <br />The motion for the adol?tion of the foregoing resolution <br /> <br />was duly seconded by Councilman <br /> <br />Curley <br />being taken thereon, the fo1lol.ring voted in favor thereof: <br /> <br />and upon vote <br /> <br />and the following voted against ~1e same~ <br />l':one <br />whereupon the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. <br /> <br />All pmsent <br />