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<br />finds that each of the lots Q pieces an,J narcels of land enumer- <br />ated in the proposed assessl":lent was and is s::)ecially benefi teCl. <br />by the construction of said iUQrovement in not less than the <br />amount of the assessment set o:?posi,te the descri))tion of each <br />such lot, piece and parcel of land, resj')ectively, and such <br />anount so set out is hereby levied against each of the respec- <br />ti ve lots, pieces and parcels of land therein. <br /> <br />3. The pro?osed assessments are hereby adopted and con- <br />:::irm.ed as the pro)'1er s:>ecial assessnents for each of: said lots, <br />')ieces and parcels of land respectively; and the assessment <br />agninst each parcel, together \.li tl1 interest at the rate of G% <br />per annum accruing on the full amow1t thereof from time to time <br />unpaid 7 shall be a lien concurrent \'li th general taxes uj?on such <br />parcel and all thereof. The total amount of each such assess- <br />Llent shall be payable in one principal installr:tent, extending <br />over a period of one (1) year; the installment, together "lith <br />interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to <br />December 31, 1979, to be ?ayable vi th general taxes for the <br />year 1070, collectible in 1979. <br /> <br />40 Prior to certification of the assessMent to the County <br />Auditor; the o'l:mer of any lot, piece or :?arcel of: land assessed <br />hereby Elay at any tir<le '-:>ay the I:11101e of such assessm,ent 1 'l:Ji th <br />interest to the date of paynent, to the City Treasurer, but no <br />interest shall be charged if such payment is made within 30 days <br />after the date of this resolution. <br /> <br />5. The City i'1anaqer shall, as soon as may be, prepare and <br />transnut to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of the <br />assessment roll, with each installment and interest on each un- <br />~)aid assessment set forth separately, to be extended u;,:)on the <br />proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall <br />thereafter collect said aSSeSSl':1ents in the manner provided by <br />1 at'! 0 <br /> <br />?he motion for the adoption of. the foregoinq resolution <br /> <br />\Jas duly secondec1 by CouncilLlan Anderson, and upon vote beinc; <br /> <br />taken thereon; the follo\'1in<<:f voted in favor thereof ~All" and <br /> <br />the follouin<;r voted against the same ~ Hone; \t7hereu:?on said <br /> <br />resolution Has declared duly passec1 and ac1o?ted 0 <br />