<br />
<br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Council of the City ofRoseville, Minnesota,
<br />was heià in the City Han on the twenty-fifth day of September, 1995, at 5:30 o'ciock p.m.
<br />
<br />The following members were present: P. Johnson, Mastel, Wiski, Goedeke, and V. Johnson and the
<br />following were absent: None.
<br />
<br />A.o..__.... ..J~______~__ _.J:!'.....L_ __~_____ ________...._...1 1___ .....1__ _.Œ>__-,-_..J __._____...........L__ _________ _.L .....1-... ___L1~_ ____....____.L 1.__-=__
<br />J-Ult:I i1 Ul:Sl;U:S:SIUIl UI lIlt: VIt:W:S prt::st:nlt:u oy lIlt: i1Ilt:Cleu prupeny uwner:s i1l lIlt: PUUlll; i1:s:st::S:SllIt:lll llt:i111ll~
<br />held on September 11, 1995, Councilmember P. Johnson introduced the following resolution and moved its
<br />adoption:
<br />
<br />RESOLUTION NO. 9228
<br />
<br />
<br />BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City ofRoseviHe, Minnesota as follows:
<br />
<br />1. The amount proper and necessary to be specially assessed at this time for Improvement M-94-0 1 against
<br />
<br />_ _. __.____11 1_~ "__ ___ . _, ro1___' _t"I'"". ,__1..1___'_ 1-__,____ _1 ,_____1___t_L_..J_______...L_L__~__£'
<br />every assessaOle 1m:, piece or parcel or lana arrecIea mereoy nas oeen aUlY CalCUlareU upon lne Uê1:S1:S Ul
<br />benefits, without regard to cash valuation, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes,
<br />Chapter 429, as amended, and notice has been duly mailed and published, as required by law, that this
<br />Council would meet to hear, consider, and pass upon all objections, if any, and said proposed assessment
<br />has at all times since its filing been open for public inspection, and an opportunity has been given to all
<br />
<br />=_4-....._"""....4......,3 _......_.........._... 4....... ______4- .1......=_ ......'L:........4.:__... :..t:'.........._. ...... ....~~_1.. __.....__...........J __................__......._.......
<br />.
<br />IULt:I t::SLt:U IJt:l :suu:s LU IJI t::st:Ul LIIt:ll UUJt:~LIUU:s, U i1I1Y, LU :SU~1I IJl upu:st:u i1:s:st::S:Slllt:UL:S.
<br />
<br />2. This Council, having heard and considered all objections so presented, and being fully advised in the
<br />premises, finds that each of the lots, pieces, and parcels of land enumerated in the proposed assessment
<br />was and is specifically benefited by the construction of said improvement in not less than the amount of
<br />tnp ~~~p~~mpnt ~pt "nn,,~;tp tnp ~p~l"rint;"n "f' p~l"n ~l1l"n 1nt nipl"p ~n~ n~rl"P1 "f' 1~n~ rp~np('tivplv ~nrl
<br />........"" _..,..,......Io.I'...,JI....._........ ...,""'.. '-'t-'Y"'o,.J.I...- "'.1.&"" __IJ_.....y....._.l..I. _.... __........& ..,_""....... "'_", .t'.I.---, _....._ y-"'__'" -....
<br /> ",_Jl..&_, ""-"".t'--.""_'&J, _.0."'_
<br />
<br />such amount so set out is hereby levied against each of the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land
<br />therein.
<br />
<br />3 . The proposed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for each
<br />
<br />of said lots, pieces, or parcels ofIand, respectively, and the assessment against each parcel, together with
<br />
<br />interest at the rate of 7.5% per annum accruing on the full amount thereof from time to time unpaid,
<br />rohl:lo1f ho. I'.]¡ l;on £'nnronrroni- ''I.7;+h ,.....0.'1"'\0.....1:11 ft3'V,OC" nnnn 1t't111"h nOo1"',...o.l I']¡nA or:IIil1 +horon." Tho. tl""\+'31 l:nnn.11n+ "ç C/Iol'.]¡l'h
<br />io3.UUU v"-' U U\"IJ..1 \,IVJ..1\"1U.1.l,,,.1.1L. ""'.1....1.1 5"".1.1\,,11a.1 ,,"'^"",;, upvJ.J. ¡:JU\.I1.l pU.I\,,1\,,11 U.l.lU "'.1.1. LI.J.\"IJ.,,",V.L. ..LU,\oI L.Va.u..1 UU..I.VUU,L
<br /> V.I.. ",U,\,I.lI
<br />such assessment shall be payable in equal annual principal installments extending over a period offive (5)
<br />
<br />years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment trom the date hereof
<br />
<br />to December 31, 1996, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1995, collectible in 1996, and one
<br />
<br />of each of the remaining installments, together with one year's interest on that and all other unpaid
<br />in"t::tllmpnt" to hp n::tv::thlp with ppnpr::tl t::typ" for p::tr.h r.on"pr.l1tivp vp::tr thprp::lfter nntil the entire
<br />...............-........................, ...-- --~ r-J---"" ..-........ 0------- ..._.-....... ---- ----- ----......--~........... J --- ----- -~---- ~----- ---- -------
<br />
<br />assessment is paid
<br />