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<br />EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING <br />OF CITY COUNCIL <br />OF CITY OF ROSEVlLLE <br />RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA <br /> <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Council of the City ofRoseviIIe, Minnesota, <br />was held in the City Raii on the twenty-fifth day of September, 1995, at 5 :3û o'dock p.m. <br /> <br />The following members were present: P. Johnson, Mastel, Wiski, Goedeke and V. Johnson and the following <br />were absent: None. <br /> <br />... ^___ _ ...t~__ ___~___ _.£"...L_ __~_____ _________..._..J t_ _ ..L1. _ _~_ _,,-_..J _______ __.......L__ _______.__ _.L ...L1-_ ___L1~_ __________.L 1..__--=____ <br />ruœr a OISl:USSIOn or we VIews presemeo oy we arreC1eO propeny owners al1ne PUUUl: assessmem ueallllg <br />held on September 11, 1995, Councilmember P. Johnson introduced the following resolution and moved its <br />adoption: <br /> <br />RESOLUTION NO. 9230 <br /> <br />RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND CONFIRMING <br />ASSESSMENTS FOR PA YEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM IMPROVEMENT <br />P-93-I6-47, MIDLAND GROVE ROAD <br /> <br />R1=< TT "R1=<<;:()T \n:<n h" th.. rr\11"l'il nf'th.. rih, nf'"R "".."ill.. 1\..1'"".."nt<> <>" f'"l1nul'" <br />~.L.J .L.L .L'-L-J......'-'~ Y.£..,J..., V J ".1..1."" ,-,",VUJ..U"/J..I. v.&. 11..1..1."" '-".I"'J v.&. ""'-v,","" v .1..1.1"", .L"~J.ll.l."""'VL"" "~ .LV.I..I.'-'''''~. <br /> <br />1. The amount proper and necessary to be speciaHy assessed at this time for Improvement P-93-1Ó-47 <br /> every assessable lot, piece or parcel ofland affected thereby has been duly calculated upon the <br />basis of benefits, without regard to cash valuation, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota <br />Statutes, Chapter 429, as amended, and notice has been duly mailed and published, as required by law, <br />that this Council would meet to hear, consider, and pass upon all objections, if any, and said proposed <br /> <br />__________.L L__ _.... _11 .L~____ _~___ ~.L_ r.1~~~ L____ ___~_ ~__ ___L1~_ ~_____...:__ __-1 __ ____~.~_:,Á,._. t...__ t....-__ <br />as:se:s:smem lla:s at au umes sml,;e 1l:S Hung ueen open 101 PUUIll: lllSpel:UOIl, aIlU all UPPUllUUUY ua:s LJeeu <br />given to aU interested persons to present their objections, if any, to such proposed assessments. <br /> <br />2. This Council, having heard and considered all objections so presented, and being fully advised in the <br />premises, finds that each of the lots, pieces, and parcels of land enumerated in the proposed assessment <br />'''<>" <>"rI i" "n"l'if1l'<>l1" h.."..f1t..rI h" th.. l'n""t""l'ti"" nf' ,,<>ir! i......n..n".........."t ;" nnt 1.."" th<>n th.. <>mnllnt "f' <br />yy U..;) w.J.J.u .1..;) ..;)!-,,,",,,",J..J..J.,,",,U-J.J.] V""".I..I.""".J..J.",,",,,,",, V] ".1..1."",, """V.I......;)". u""......V.l.... V.J.. ~w.J.U ....1......1"... v y """.........'"'......... <br /> ......... ......V... J.,,",,~";) ...J.J.u,...... "........... ..............'-'............. v.... <br /> <br />the assessment set opposite the description of each such lot, piece, and parcel of land, respectively, and <br />such amount so set out is hereby levied against each of the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land <br />therein. <br /> <br />3. The nfOnosed assessments are herebv adonted and conf1nned as the Droner snecial assessments for each <br />- - .1--- -.1.- ----- ----------- - ~- -- - --- --.I -----.1.----- -- ~~ ~- ___n____ --- --- ~--- c--c- -c----- --~---------- -~ -- -~-- <br /> <br />of said lots, pieces, or parcels ofland, respectively, and the assessment against each parcel, together with <br /> <br />:_......_.........+ ..... +L..... _.....+..... .....C"'7 1:.0/ _....._ ___..._ ....""'...._..:__ ....._ +L..... ~..11 ....._......._+ +L....._....._~~___ +=___ +_ ...=___ ....__.....=..J <br />lUll:;ll:;:H al Ull:; 1 all:; VI I...J /0 PI:;I è1l1UUUl a\,;\,;1 UIUg VU Ull:; lUll è1lUVUUl Ull:;l \;VI 11 VIU Ulll\; lV Ulll\; uupalU, <br />shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon such parcel and all thereof The total amount of each <br />such assessment shall be payable in equal annual principal installments extending over a period of fifteen <br />(15) years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment ITom the date <br />hereof to December 31, 1996, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1995, collectible in 1996, <br />