<br />
<br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Council of the City of Rose vi lie, Minnesota,
<br />was held in the City Hali on the twenty-fifth day of September, 1995, at 5:3Ô o'ciock p.m.
<br />
<br />The following members were present: P. Johnson, Mastel, Wiski, Goedeke and V. Johnson and the following
<br />were absent: None.
<br />
<br />..1'\ ._ _,.__ ___,,___ _......~L~__·_ ___ _____..1'. .,._ _tv" _._1 _______..t _ __~____L..L1_~.___L1~_______~____LL~_~__
<br />f\ller a aISCUSSlon or me VIews presemeo oy me arrecæo propeny owners ar me PUOllC asseSSlm::m m::anng
<br />held on September 11, 1995, Councilmember P. Johnson introduced the following resolution and moved its
<br />adoption:
<br />
<br />RESOLUTION NO. 9231
<br />
<br />P-94-Ô2-65, NEIGHBORHOOD 65
<br />
<br />Rh' TT "Uh'c;;:nT ,,"pn hu th.. ('r\11n,..;1 nf'th.. (';tu nf'"Un"..u;l1.. ~A'nn.."nt" "" f'nl1nuT"·
<br />.LJ.L.J L.L .L~LJ"""..&...f t",LJ.LtI' VJ i..J..u... "-"''-'U.1.[""....I. VA.. ......1."" '--'.I"J V.I. .L'-"""'''''''.I..I.I.,"" .LY..I....I..lU.I.""..,.V"W. u.", .LV.U:'" "YIJ.
<br />
<br />1. The amount proper and necessary to be specially assessed at this time for Improvement P-94-Û2-65
<br />against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land affected thereby has been duly calculated upon the
<br />basis of benefits, without regard to cash valuation, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota
<br />Statutes, Chapter 429, as amended, and notice has been duly mailed and published, as required by law,
<br />that this Council would meet to hear, consider, and pass upon all objections, if any, and said proposed
<br />
<br />___________L L__ _.L _11 ..L~~____ _~___ ~.L_ r.1~___ 1..____ _____ £"__ ____L1~_ ~______.L~__ __..1 __ _~....._~~._:.L_. 1......._ L....___
<br />as:sessmem Ilè1:S è1L i:1U ulIles SIIll,;e lLS Hung ueen upen 101 PUUIIl,; IIISpel,;UUll, allU è1ll UPPUI LUlULY llè1S ueClI
<br />given to all interested persons to present their objections, if any, to such proposed assessments.
<br />
<br />2. This Council, having heard and considered all objections so presented, and being fully advised in the
<br />premises, finds that each of the lots, pieces, and parcels of land enumerated in the proposed assessment
<br />'...7I),C"O n,.,.",.1 ;C"I C"I........o.,..;-hI""I]¡11'11 h.o'l"\,ð,ç;j+.o.r1 h" +h.o. ,.,.n.nC"O+.-"I"+;^"'" n.+ .-.",;,.1 ;<ft'\...........n.·u.o."".o....,,+ ;..." ..."n.+ l.o.C"IC'I
<br /> +,",0'1"\ +h.o I]¡'t'\"\n..nn+ n:Ç"
<br />VVg.;) auu l~ ,:)l-''''''''1.1.1\,¡aUJ U,,",U\.iJ.IL\.IU VJ Lll~ \,¡VU.3Uuv"lVl1 V.1. tÌ)alU llU}J1VY\;iJlJ\.tJ.U. 111 U.VL 1"""13 LuaJ.l Ul"" ,"UVLU.U. V.1.
<br />the assessment set opposite the description of each such lot, piece, and parcel of land, respectively, and
<br />such amount so set out is hereby ievied against each of the respective iots, pieces and parceis ofiand
<br />therein.
<br />
<br />3.
<br />
<br />The nronosed assessments are herebv adonted and confirmed as the Droner snecial assessments for each
<br />---- c--r----- --------------- ---- ------J --~-c--- ----- -- ----- --- --- - - C -.1- - --...- - -- ----- -
<br />
<br />of said lots, pieces, or parcels of land, respectively, and the assessment against each parcel, together with
<br />
<br />~_¿....._.......+ _¿ +t....... _....+.... _J:''''7 1:.0/ _...._ ___..._ ............._..:__ __ ..t...... .c.11 ...._........._+ ...'L....._....._£'l:,..__ ...:__ +_ ...=__ ....__....:,.¡
<br />lIUCl CM i1L LllC 1 i1LC VI I. J /0 pCI i11111UIll i1~~I UIIlI5 VlI LllC lUll i1IllVUIU LllCI CVI U VllI LillIe LV LIllIe ullpaIu,
<br />shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon such parcel and all thereof. The total amount of each
<br />such assessment shall be payable in equal annual principal installments extending over a period of fifteen
<br />(15) years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment £rom the date
<br />hereof to December 31, 1996, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1995, collectible in 1996,
<br />