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Last modified
6/20/2011 8:54:33 AM
Creation date
1/24/2011 9:39:19 AM
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Public Works Commission
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Ms. Bloom welcomed members of the audience in attendance for the presentation <br />and sought their comments or questions. <br />Public Comment <br />Jim 294 N McCarrons Boulevard <br />Mr. noted that his property was now the recipient of items coming down <br />and covering the beach, and opined that this sounded like the proposed project <br />provided for a dramatic improvement. Mr. addressed past failures from <br />previous silt collection pond projects in Villa Park, opining that the major reason <br />for their failure was a lack of maintenance budgeted for the projects; and <br />questioned if that had been a consideration with this project to include that <br />maintenance budget as part of a priority funding system. <br />Ms. Bloom responded that CRWD a <br />issues as part of the process proceedi <br />covered by a City easement for drainag <br />a 10 -15 year period in the sedimentatio <br />ensure no trees grew there and maintai <br />that at least twice annually the manho <br />clear any large particles; and that an a <br />Council approval to clarify those maint <br />that future reconstruction projects uncle <br />long -term maintenance. <br />nd City staff had discussed maintenance <br />ng to this point; noting that the pond was <br />e, with the City planning maintenance for <br />n basis for mowing the filtration bench to <br />ping its functionality. Ms. Bloom advised <br />le by St. Anthony Falls was removed to <br />greement was pending for Roseville City <br />enance responsibilities. Ms. Bloom noted <br />rtaken by CRWD would be scheduled for <br />Mr. expressed his appreciation for the coordination by various agencies in <br />addressing this situation and the City's commitment for ongoing maintenance. As <br />a member of the McCarrons Neighborhood Association, Mr. questioned if <br />the property owners would be required to pay for part of this project over and <br />property taxes. <br />Mr. Bloom responded advised that proposed funding sources for the project were <br />covered by the three (3) partnering agencies; and that annual maintenance would <br />be funded through the City's stormwater infrastructure fund, with CRWD <br />allocating funds from their annual budget, and RCD funding the project through <br />grant funds through the Board of Water and Sewer Resources (BWSR.) <br />Mr. expressed appreciation for the project and his anticipation of substantial <br />improvements and planning for periodic maintenance. <br />Mr. 258 N McCarrons <br />Mr. addressed the pond on the other side of the National Guard Armory. <br />Ms. Bloom clarified that the pond was behind Galilee Lutheran Church and not <br />physically connected to this Williams Street Pond; but served as a wetland <br />overflow through the armory property to Williams Street, and that nothing was <br />proposed. <br />Page 3 of 11 <br />
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