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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, January 03, 2011 <br /> Page 9 <br /> Mayor Roe spoke in support of adding a place for follow -up needed for previous- <br /> ly stated public comments; and suggested that this be made a practice, but was not <br /> necessary for revision to the Rules. At the request of City Manager Malinen, <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that, if staff was so directed by the City Council by motion or <br /> consensus to obtain additional information or provide follow -up, if appropriate for <br /> public information, staff would provide that during Public Comment to close that <br /> issue for the public, currently done by e -mail or memorandum from staff to the <br /> City Council. <br /> Mayor Roe also suggested moving the HRA Report from "Council Communica- <br /> tions" to "Presentations" in the agenda. Councilmember Pust expressed support <br /> for such a change, as a member of the HRA. <br /> McGehee moved, Johnson seconded, correction to City Council Rules and Proce- <br /> dures to update all references from "Roberts Rules" to "Rosenberg's Rules of Or- <br /> der; to revise Rule 5 to indicate that any follow -ups by staff or the City Council <br /> on previously requested Public Comments, be responded to during Public Com- <br /> ment as well; and to revise Rule 3 to relocate Quarterly HRA Reports from num- <br /> ber 4 to number 13 "Presentations." <br /> Mayor Roe requested that staff further review the simple or super majority vote <br /> issue raised by Councilmember Willmus and report back for further discussion <br /> and possible action. <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: Willmus; Pust; Johnson; McGehee; and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that, in agenda order for presentations /discussions, if the City <br /> Council determined at their upcoming strategic planning discussion that they pre- <br /> ferred to use a more informal worksession format for those items, further consid- <br /> eration could be given to additional revisions on how best to proceed. <br /> City Manager Malinen made a note of this discussion item for the Strategic Plan- <br /> ning Meeting agenda. <br /> b. Discuss City Council Liaisons <br /> City Manager Malinen provided background information in the RCA from past <br /> discussions of City Council liaisons or city representations on various boards <br /> and /or agencies. <br /> Grass Lakes Water Management Organization (GLWMO) <br /> City Manager Malinen added one additional City Council Liaison request re- <br /> ceived from the Grass Lakes Water Management Organization (GLWMO) Board <br /> in their development of a ten year water management plan, operating under a Joint <br />