<br />
<br />Pursuant to due can and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Council of the City ofRoseville, Minnesota,
<br />was held in the City Hall on the twenty-fifth day of September, 1995, at 5 :30 o'clock p.m.
<br />
<br />The following members were present: P. Johnson, Mastel, Wiski, Goedeke and V. Johnson and the following
<br />were absent: None.
<br />
<br />After a discussion of the views presented by the affected property owners at the public assessment hearing
<br />held on September 11, 1995, Councilmember P. Johnson introduced the following resolution and moved its
<br />adoption:
<br />
<br />RESOLUTION NO. 9234
<br />
<br />
<br />BE IT RESûL V tD by the Council of the City ofRosevilie, Minnesota as foHows:
<br />
<br />1. The amount proper and necessary to be specially assessed at this time for Improvement UL-95-13
<br />against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land affected thereby has been duly calculated upon the
<br />basis of benefits, without regard to cash valuation, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota
<br />l"I.L_.L__.L__ ~L___.L_._ AI"'\f'\ __ _____._..J_..1 ___....J b_.L~__ '-__ L____ ....:L_1__ __...._~1_..J __..1 ____1-1.:_1__-1 __ _____.:__-1 '-__1___.
<br />~tatuu::s, ~napter "tL.~, as arnenueu, anu nUUl;e nas oeen UUly rniilJeU iillU puonsneu, as le4uneu uy law,
<br />that this Council would meet to hear, consider, and pass upon all objections, if any, and said proposed
<br />assessment has at an times since its filing been open for public inspection, and an opportunity has been
<br />given to all interested persons to present their objections, if any, to such proposed assessments.
<br />
<br />'1 T¡""'~C'O r-.................:1 k",·u;......"....... hon....Á n_A ,...__t"O:A.o....ðA ....11 ^h:'O',......:__l"I l"!1""'\. _.....o.co..o._+.o.A n.....,.I ho:...",....... h1t1"1:1
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<br />premises, finds that each of the lots, pieces, and parcels ofland enumerated in the proposed assessment
<br />was and is specifìcaHy benefited by the construction of said improvement in not less than the amount of
<br />the assessment set opposite the description of each such lot, piece, and parcel of land, respectively, and
<br />such amount so set out is hereby levied against each of the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land
<br />therein.
<br />
<br />") TL.... ___......__............J ........,.......,.....--........_"-,.. ....._...... 'L......._....L,... ....A......_"-......A ...._A "'__.t:_......A n.... +'L....... _..-._........
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<br />:J. .Hle; iJl upu:se;u a:s:st::S:Slue;UL:S al e; ue;1 e;lJY auupLe;u i11IU vUlllllllle;u a:s Llle; pi Upt:I ;,pt:vIal a;';'C;;';'IUC;UL;' LVI c;avu
<br />of said lots, pieces, or parcels of land, respectively, and the assessment against each parcel, together with
<br />interest at the rate of 7.5% per annum accruing on the full amount thereof rrom time to time unpaid,
<br />shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon such parcel and all thereof. The total amount of each
<br />such assessment shall be payable in equal annual principal installments extending over a period of fifteen
<br />(l '\\ \/P<lr" thP f1r<>t nf' "<I;rI ;n"t<ll1mpnt" tnopthpr u,;th ;ntprp<>t nn thP pnt;rp <o""p""mpnt frnm thp rI<otp
<br />\.1. .,/ ) J VLA,.J.~, ~J.J.V .LJ.J. ~L, \,J.L ~LA,.J."" J..&.J.'-'"LA,.J.J.J.J.J."J.J....""', \"""'0""'..1."". ., .".&..1. .&......"".1. ""u" v.. ".._ .......................... -......-............
<br />..-........ ....... -......... .......- --..-
<br />
<br />hereof to December 31, 1996, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1995, collectible in 1996,
<br />