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Human Rights Commission
2010 Minutes
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Human Rights Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 8, 2010 <br />Commissioners Present: Chair David Singleton; Commissioners Gary Grefenberg, Liz <br />Jaeger, Thelma McKenzie and Marie Oftelie. Commissioner Peg <br />Kennedy arrived at 6:45 p.m. <br />1. Call to Order: Chair David Singleton called meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. The Clerk <br />called the roll. <br />2. Approve Minutes of May 11, 2010 <br />Commissioner Gary Grefenberg moved approval of the minutes with a correction on line 37 -39 <br />removing the word "activities" and adding "community participation efforts" and replacing the <br />word "establish" with "consider" and adding "forums and other forms of citizen involvement," <br />and on lines 124 -126 amending the sentence by removing "for a status report on the October <br />community meeting" and adding "for the October community dialogue" at the end. <br />Commissioner Marie Oftelie seconded the motion. Motion prevailed, with one abstention. <br />3. Staff /Committee Reports <br />3a. Visions of Success Subcommittee <br />Commissioner Liz Jaeger provided a summary of the May 27 Regional Human Rights <br />Commission meeting. She noted that attendance was beyond what was anticipated, especially <br />since many people could not make it before the Memorial Day weekend. She said the presenters <br />were well prepared and well received. She thanked the planners involved and the commissioners <br />who helped at the event. <br />Commissioners were impressed with the resources available and the history of the Roseville <br />Human Rights Commission. They commented that it helped put the HRCs role in context of <br />where we have been and where the commission is going. Commissioners said the networking <br />time before and after the meeting was very useful to get to know others better. <br />Commissioners mentioned the possibility of offering accreditation hours as a way to attract more <br />people to regional meetings. The Minnesota Department of Human Rights would be responsible <br />to coordinate accreditation hours. <br />Chair Singleton read a thank you note from Mario Hernandez, expressing his appreciation for all <br />of the work by the Roseville HRC. <br />Commissioner Oftelie offered her apology for not being able to attend the Karen community <br />meeting. Commissioner Peg Kennedy said she appreciated the cultural sensitivity that the Police <br />and Fire Inspector showed when presenting information on some highly sensitive topics. <br />
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