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4/10/2015 12:32:46 PM
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2/22/2011 10:41:08 AM
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Housing Redevelopment Authority
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REQUEST FOR HRA ACTION <br />Date: 5-18-10 <br />Item No: 9a <br />Staff Approval: Agenda Section: <br /> Action Items <br />Item Description: Problem Property Ordinance <br />Background <br />City staff (RHRA, Community Development and Police Department) have been working on creating an <br />ordinance that addresses properties that have repeated issues that require the use of city resources. Under <br />this ordinance, the City would be able to impose and collect fees from the owner or occupant or both of <br />property where the City must repeatedly respond to complaints. <br />Under the ordinance, a “nuisance service call” is defined as response to any violation of city code and <br />certain state statutes. These violations include, but are not limited to public nuisances, prostitution, <br />gambling, controlled substances, firearms, and disorderly conduct. The City can impose a fee when the <br />City has to respond to a violation three or more times within a period of 365 days. Staff is still discussing <br />how the fee would be structured, but the goal is for the City to recover its actual costs for responding. In <br />case of non-payment by a property owner, the fees will be placed on the property taxes pursuant to state <br />statutes. In the case of fees charged to an occupant of a problem property, non-payment will lead the city to <br />pursue a judgment against the person. In addition, if a property has outstanding fees and require a license <br />from the City to operate, the City will not grant the license until the fees are paid. <br />The ordinance requires that the City gives notice after the second call for service and exempts calls for <br />medical emergencies and calls for domestic incidents. Additionally, owners of rental property may be <br />exempted from a service fees if they commence an eviction proceeding against the tenant and enter into and <br />comply with memorandum of understanding with regard to security with the Roseville Police Department. <br />Similarly, large public accommodations, (i.e. bars, hotels, malls) may have fees waived if the property <br />owner has entered into and complied with a memorandum of understanding with the Roseville Police <br />Department. <br />The property owner or occupant has the right to appeal the imposition of the fee by requesting a hearing <br />within 10 business days. The hearing will be conducted by a hearing officer appointed by the City <br />Manager. <br />Staff is supportive of this ordinance as it is another tool in the “tool box” that the City can use to deal with <br />problem areas of the City. By itself, the ordinance will not resolve all of the issues the City faces in certain <br />areas, but it will send a message to property owners and occupants that creating or allowing unlawful <br />activities on their property will not only have them dealing with the criminal justice system but it will also <br />cost them financially. <br />Suggested RHRA Action <br />The RHRA should review and discuss the proposed ordinance and make a recommendation to the City <br />Council regarding the ordinance. <br />Prepared by: Patrick Trudgeon, RHRA Executive Director (651-792-7071) <br />Attachment: Draft Ordinance <br />Problem Property Ordinance <br /> <br />
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