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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
2/24/2011 3:00:25 PM
Creation date
2/23/2011 2:31:51 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
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Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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Further discussion included traffic calming impacts on bikers and pedestrians; and <br />current snow mounds impacting safe pedestrian access. <br />To facilitate further discussion, individual Members were to review the websites <br />provided by staff, incorporate the street information that staff would be providing <br />as part of the Underground Utility Policy as it related to collector streets and <br />traffic numbers and those needing traffic calming mechanisms; request by <br />Member Felice for a presentation on Complete Streets to provide input on how to <br />plan for safer roads, particularly for pedestrians; and consideration of newer <br />technologies (such as sensors) as signal light standards rather than needing to <br />access a button to gain access; as well as funding impacts. <br />Member Stenlund advised that MnDOT <br />context- sensitive design and solutions, <br />traffic management for aging neighborh <br />solicit a presentation from them at a futi <br />and provided contact information for st, <br />Mr. Schwartz noted that the Complete S <br />traffic management. <br />tad done a lot of work to -date on <br />A °community visualization for roads and <br />ods and streets; and suggested that staff <br />e meeting to facilitate this discussion; <br />went hand in hand with <br />Member Vanderwall suggested that, as part of having MnDOT representatives <br />present to the PWET Commission, it should be advertised to the public as part of <br />the PWET Commission's educational goals, and receive input from the public as <br />well as those experts in the field. <br />enedet concurred with Member Vanderwall. <br />Additional discussion included the number of streets in Roseville having speed <br />issues; varying speed limits along certain corridors causing additional confusion; <br />the length of streets causing increased speeds; and the need for more vigorous <br />enforcement of speeders but their awareness of those areas under more stringent <br />patrol. <br />Staff was requested to provide additional information for further discussion, <br />including Police Department data showing complaint levels in various <br />neighborhoods with complaint, ticketing, or tracking and mapping where <br />available requiring limited staff time, and addressed by memorandum from the <br />Police Department identifying those areas where they received more complaints <br />and any guidance they could offer to the PWET Commission for this discussion. <br />Mr. Schwartz advised that, historically, staff had information on those areas of <br />significant complaint, which were those areas with fewer intersections, trees and <br />having longer stretches. <br />Page 8 of 11 <br />
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