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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
2/24/2011 3:00:25 PM
Creation date
2/23/2011 2:31:51 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
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sustain the City's future infrastructure funding and seeking PWET Commission <br />review and recommendation to the City Council; whether gas tax dollars could be <br />used to expand or maintain the City's pathways and streets long -term; whether <br />there should be an Assessment Policy for trails /sidewalks or consider funding trail <br />construction based on the Pathway Master Plan. <br />Further discussion included whether a policy should include moving forward on <br />pathway projects when opportunistic grants were available, noting the substantial <br />loss on federal funding for County Road B -2 Pathway assistance; and how to <br />provide for flexibility allowing the City to move forward when such funds <br />become available, by having projects ready to take advantage of them. <br />Discussion ensued on trail and pathway connections expressed as a major concern <br />in the recent Parks Master Plan process and subsequent goals for implementation; <br />and how to develop a policy to address and incorporate recent zoning code <br />increases for impervious surfaces that would implement Best Management <br />Practices (BMP's) at 30% or less and how to certify and recertify them. <br />Member Gjerdingen brought up pathway snow removal policies, with <br />Commissioner consensus being that this was developed by and should remain part <br />of the responsibility of the Parks and Recreation Department, including any <br />updating. <br />At the request of Member Felice, a brief update was provided by Mr. Schwartz on <br />the status of the Fairview Bike Path project, with it in final plan stage ready for <br />MnDOT review, with to difficult easements still under negotiation. <br />Member Vanderwall suggested that the Commission annually review the <br />intersection data compiled by the Ramsey Citizens League (RCL) and presented <br />by Mr. Toogood and the subsequent tour of those problem intersections. <br />Mr. Schwartz advised that staff was continuing to work on the issue of organized <br />trash collection, with the RCL Having approached the City several months ago; <br />and current discussions as to whether consideration should be given to offer an <br />alternative rather than mandatory approach for participation; or an alternative <br />city- managed contract offered through Requests for Proposals (RFP's) with <br />different participation levels and prices. Mr. Schwartz advised that staff was <br />awaiting a City Attorney opinion on State Statute and such a contract; and that it <br />would be part of future discussions. <br />A brief discussion was held on the request by the GLWMO for someone from the <br />PWET Commission to participate in their upcoming stakeholder meetings as they <br />developed and updated their Ten Year Third Generation Water Management Plan. <br />Member Stenlund noted the expiration in 2013 of the current storm water permit, <br />and advocated Minimum Impact Design Standards (MIDS) be adopted; with the <br />Page 10 of 11 <br />
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