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Date: February 22, 2011 Item No: 6 <br />Item Description: Forestry Ordinance <br />Background: <br />Part of the requirements of the Emerald Ash Borer preparedness Grant that the city received <br />in 2010 is to update the City Forestation Control Ordinance to include Emerald Ash Borer <br />(EAB) and other forest pests. In addition, the ordinance is in need of other updates as it was <br />originally written in the early 90's. <br />We have attached a marked up Urban Forest Management Ordinance Chapter 706. The <br />proposed marked up version is constructed with existing language in black, new language in <br />red and existing language that is suggested to be removed is struck through. <br />Forestry falls under the Parks and Recreation Department in the current city organization. <br />They have drafted the changes you see in the draft ordinance and have had a first review at <br />the Parks and Recreation Commission. Since many of the public trees are in the right of way <br />and provide many environmental benefits we feel it is important to get the PWETC review <br />and input on the draft ordinance. The revised ordinance will go to the City Council for a <br />public hearing and then be adopted at a future date. <br />Recommended Action: <br />Review and comment <br />Attachments: <br />A. Draft Ordinance <br />Roseville Public Works, Environment and <br />Transportation Commission <br />Agenda Item <br />