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1 706.180: TREE ORDINANCE FEES <br />2 Fees for all permits and other applicable required City services shall be as <br />3 established by the City Fee Schedule in Section 314.05. (Ord. 1107, 12 -9 -91) <br />4 <br />5 <br />6 706.19: ABATEMENT PROCEDURE IN EVENT OF IMMINENT DANGER: <br />7 (A) If the City Forester determines that the danger of infestation to other shade trees <br />8 is imminent, and delay in control measures may put public health, safety, or welfare <br />9 in immediate danger, the City Forester may provide for abatement without following <br />10 subdivision 11 or 12. The City Forester must reasonably attempt to notify the owner <br />11 or occupant of the affected property of the intended action and the right to appeal <br />12 the abatement and any cost recovery at the next regularly scheduled City Council <br />13 meeting. <br />14 <br />15 (B) Nothing in this section shall prevent the city, without notice or other process, <br />16 from immediately abating any condition that poses an imminent and serious hazard <br />17 to human life or safety. <br />18 <br />19 <br />20 706.420: EMERGENCIES: <br />21 In case of emergencies involving, but not limited to, tornadoes, windstorms, floods, <br />22 freezes or other natural disasters, the requirements of this Chapter may be waived <br />23 by the Mayor or, in the absence of the Mayor, the Acting Mayor. (Ord. 1107, 12 -9- <br />24 25 91) <br />26 <br />27 706.211: INTERFERENCE AND PENALTY: <br />28 (A) Any person, firm, or corporation that violates any provision of this section shall, <br />29 upon conviction, be guilty of a misdemeanor. The penalty, which may be imposed for <br />30 any crime that is a misdemeanor under this section, including Minnesota Statutes <br />31 specifically adopted by reference, shall be a sentence of not more than 90 days, or a <br />32 fine of not more than $1,000, or both. <br />33 <br />34 (13) Upon conviction of a misdemeanor, the costs of prosecution may be added. A <br />35 separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during which a violation <br />36 occurs or continues. <br />37 <br />38 (C) The failure of any officer or employee of the city to perform any official duty <br />39 imposed by this section shall not subject the officer or employee to the penalty <br />40 imposed for a violation. <br />41 <br />42 (D) In addition to any penalties provided for in this section, if any person, firm, or <br />43 corporation fails to comply with any provision of this section, the City Council or any <br />44 official designated by it may institute appropriate proceedings at law or at equity to <br />45 restrain, correct, or abate the violation. <br />46 (E) No person, firm, or corporation shall interfere with the City Forester or with <br />47 anyone acting under the City Forester's authority while engaged in activities <br />48 authorized by this section. <br />49 <br />50 It is unlawful for any person to prevent, delay or interfere with the enforcement of <br />51 this Chapter by any City official. (Ord. 1107, 12 -9 -91) <br />52 <br />53 <br />54 706.22: SEVERABILITY: Should any part or provision of this ordinance be <br />55 declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, the same shall not affect <br />12 <br />