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WITNESS PLAT <br />CORNER t 1. °%°1 <br />.ar x 9997. <br />.g "J <br />0 <br />R <br />WOE aE fW NATFah`` <br />WATER ELEV.. e910 (01099211) i <br />12/21 /2110 <br />910 619., ,1 <br />xea .90 <br />Po l rev <br />-69110 96916+ <br />rr��TT rya <br />IKV r cr sole <br />wee "°S.o31ri +1 <br />TpeOm <br />990116 ee0.91% <br />660196 x aei{9z- T 9 'v 1 �b Ilp <br />xEeO.Je <br />"9051 x 991 .1°. <br />'aware .seep <br />BELAIR CIRCLE <br />r <br />L1J <br />MERRILI ST. <br />t• <br />1'a"I Et 9 'I <br />.20259 OIVIR <br />OP 0 2-10.5 <br />L1A <br />mow ImVa.19L <br />mow <br />1 I <br />L <br />Y l <br />L.L J <br />965.19 x <br />915.046 <br />L11 tiow <br />Nom WlLL d+• <br />(eteVa <br />OM1 afi9. <br />9 <br />71,1 <br />ot552 <br />MOM <br />909999.9 991 L1- <br />0 <br />PERNWOOD ST. <br />m <br />1 <br />ScoTN LNE of GOVT lDT 2.\ EaLati <br />L, <br />I <br />I <br />r <br />Ig 3 <br />so 9•225.2 PP L t 1-..'. I T p. 9- <br />v <br />1+ <br />map <br />L r r 5 I r• w: Wee. a as et <br />4 .E) xe>j <br />.:ok mum <br />'W slemx <br />r -4- wo Ai690.11 <br />996.92_.1 am.9tx `m6.o <br />90101 229 MO= fr <br />A lga DPI <br />aal <br />09511 <br />sr* tk <br />6o <br />�H "erg, <br />ep <br />„et' O <br />a aa�• <br />PO 19 <br />1 9196{ <br />0007 99,99, <br />S 2 <br />9. 1 o<... <br />1 i <br />I 7, <br />we r <br />,l` i a <br />1` ti <br />1 <br />BL -N •6YLM� n 41 '.s x u v11.16 P"" v0. <br />1005.52 <br />0 I111LIfY <br />COUNTY ROAD oz !2:741M.,,- ��la� 5e-'aSFm -1 1 4 WE ,;1�aA4.yp mo <br />��90ta [y a sR a "[111•.1 1 <br />N. GRIGGS ST. I_ <br />6617 <br />x90].3+ <br />o out <br />9999 <br />90977 <br />a <br />omenAto <br />•90.4 gly <br />290.113 eooti <br />ego mp.{x <br />1 I r I 1 <br />I r 1 1 1. I I <br />-e <br />I J I <br />we a- <br />raw SEC NOTE ID <br />&u awns 1 <br />0.Wi CNANNq 1, <br />L'AZIVIL 6 <br />L <br />he 1 11 I 1 F- <br />lJ L- <br />VICINITY MAP <br />NOT TO SCALE <br />l a 69c <br />r•... I <br />Nev EO�LL.ypna��qq <br />'N(10rl•mrn l\ <br />6.L <br />0 30 60 <br />SCALE <br />c 9 <br />IN <br />CERTIFICATION <br />I hereby certify m Puke Boman aPlSum=LLC., and Clime Title lesono(eo Company that Pole nsm =plea ondTbe Posey CawWl6ltISbated feetbe property <br />described u: <br />All that part ofGoven: mem but 2, /leaden 3, Township 29, Range 23, lying Went of LbxingtonAvma andlying Snoboflaka7oseybce Read, except&apart <br />plated u North Ridge Piet 4, Ramsey County, A5'eaewb. (AbnnetProp ty) <br />is based upon kinsman= Brand in the commitment for tWo insurance prepared by Chicago The b nonce Ceenaay, Coots inneatNo. 230562,dstedlSovember22, <br />2010. and ware made b aemrdlmee With the "bfmitnm Standard Dental Requirement for ALTA/ACSAS Lend Tide Suivrys xjoutly ea.htiabedaodadoperd by <br />ALTA end NSPS in 2005, and includes ltema 1- 4,5, 6.8. 11%12,16, end 18 _of Table A thereof, Pursuant se tka Accoreey Stmltrde as adapted try TAaodNSPS <br />and to effect on the date ofthis °aa6 .bon, undersigned Rather caddis twin my protbaaioul opipiWb u eland swayer8c'smsed lath Dateaf6SpoeEa$ the <br />Restive TMsideeet Accuracy of this survey does ace oaosedtiatwhldt isalsecitledPorseia <br />Moab O. Olmstead, Pmfsaticm1Land Sorveyor <br />Mimrcom LiccencNo. 18425 <br />Dale <br />Note: <br />1, Mr toosdons oflmdetegrtend utilities me depleted based on available mspa, reeonis and field loosdtons and mtynnitoAc etYefya81ml=Mrspsioem <br />canetnctieo re design. <br />2. The buiso8beamlge esmmed. <br />3. All diamnas am in But. <br />4. The area oftbe above desceibedpmpety is 609.867sq. 8 1 4 1 eau, <br />5. The property bas been determined to be outside to 0.251 nine! chance Rood bared area preceding tote Federala°slsgemy Maagpas anAgenry 9 <br />bnurams Rat Map Commul8y Pend Na 27172C0001011 dated hoe 4,2010, <br />6. Ai the done of told rawly dare wall no obeaved evidence of she grading orofrde mesa a sad waste dump «WtoitlylmdER. <br />7. Schedule B- Semi= 2 of the commitment item new 9,10 and 14-16 do cm affirm tins above deaaPoedpmpety. The thawing items saws as Polmws: <br />Rem no. 11 is see easement foe public mad way and Wilily parsons per Doc.'No, 2040146 and is depicted on /be =my, <br />Item no. 13 is an easement Poe re a l i t y purposes per Dm. Ho. 2081716, Ilse easement does dot ecomlcmly emnagasethe snare sanitaryaewK,a portico <br />=macho outside afibe casement ou as Ammon tboaway. <br />Lem m. 15 kin euomaat forlrokbigbway purposes per Dec. Na. 1043048 anal deglandoothe weeny. <br />0. Cowry Road C-2 was opeaod a. a public mad by anum eonled road opening per Doc. Nero. 1251 wbbitaoaey County/01k Wads. <br />9. A 72 iacb storm sow erpipe with meabdaa untrue Oa ails as down wbhaatipbailee( raandeoemem. <br />10. rosepbioe Road wan opened a public read by Road Order of Town Board perMhe.Bork 112 Page 21 of Leeds and Lis Pendant Doe.No1327170.. <br />11. A billboard edverdeing sign in dm =Shaun comer oftlu ilia enanecbes won the mope* withouttho bmo81of armed =moat cc lion= apameed. <br />12. There are awe I w o abandoned pieta of heavy ecedpmmton too. <br />ID. A wood fierce a0croanbee onto the weer wide ofbepapedrosnae0lmowa <br />14. Property has access to public shout -CR C-2 Wart (City), Lasmgton Ave. N (Quote), Flmwood Street (Cite)endiagPomc Rmd(CWy). <br />15. Sanitary Sonnet= nosy enerosob over wort prapalygapa(y line. <br />16, A peed= of asphalt =Walk along LosmgtmAvs anaosebes onto Poe: p nperly <br />17. B=ob bdarks: I) T o p oat ofbydrmt at the northeast caner ofp apotyboa=abved=of6902SPmtNOVD 29. <br />2) Top out of hydrant at Os sa11b01at comer of praperty haa an devstlw 0E09595 •1NOVD29. <br />10. The melees along the north line ofCR G2. shown arc according to record =built dmwingr.Thelocedemesbawn are aparimate end ebouldIss vad&d. <br />19. Wetlands depicted are based on Wetland Delieesaoa ReportdledDmmber3,2010 by Maims Meek <br />120 <br />FEET <br />LEGEND <br />SR CM 10011 mIENT 11425 <br />M ONO IR 14 C+RMENT <br />SET NAG NAa <br />11001000 WATER VALVE TE FP0m1E 0810 SAN ITART WNION NON <br />WATER 0AN1aLE <br />,,z,, D. CATCH BASS <br />Q ELECIaC Bee <br />6TOON NAH 0.E <br />O PoWER Pe.f <br />0 00000014 TREE <br />CSWFER0V6 TREE <br />a 199 TREO 0 NO (SEE SHEET E Of 23 <br />00.14 SPOT ELEvATion <br />ALLIANT <br />ENGINEERING, INC. <br />233 PARK AVE. SOUTH SUITE 300 <br />MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55415 <br />PHONE (612) 758 -3080 <br />FAX (612) 758 -3099 <br />[P) <br />(ENO <br />SAL BORING <br />PULTE HOMES OF MINNESOTA <br />ALTA SURVEY <br />ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA <br />1101Tr0 0 SEWER <br />51000 SCHER <br />WATE00AN <br />Il0ERGRO410 TELEPHONE <br />000811EAE ELOCT0C <br />FENCE <br />0010001E <br />RAN Ef2VANIt1 <br />MANES ENCROACHMENT <br />0EMa1ES NET I9110 <br />ALTA/ACSM <br />LAND TITLE <br />SURVEY <br />DRAWN BY GJB, LT <br />CHECKED BY 080 <br />DATE ISSUED 01 /19 /1D <br />SCALE 1 =60' <br />JOB N0. 100054 <br />BOOK <br />85 <br />