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City Council Meeting Minutes
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3/21/2011 11:49:13 AM
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3/21/2011 11:49:11 AM
Roseville City Council
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Council Minutes
Meeting Date
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Special City Council Work Plan Meeting 1 <br /> Monday,January 31,2011 <br /> Page 2 <br /> ing the major snowstorm occurring the weekend before. Ms. Bloom advised that Xcel <br /> was still reviewing their policies related to damage claims; and assured Councilmembers <br /> that staff was continuing to investigate the hit. <br /> Mr. El-Banna opined that the City vehicle moving snow was clearing snow around the <br /> fire hydrant at the end of his driveway, which he had already accomplished, as was his <br /> common practice. Mr. El-Banna further opined that since those homes were built in the <br /> mid 1970's, the Public Works Department should be aware of the location of utility box- <br /> es in order to avoid damaging them. Mr. El-Banna stated that he found the letter from the <br /> LMCIT insulting; and noted that the City at first denied that it was a City vehicle, until <br /> another neighbor, Mr. Hermes, provided evidence that it was indeed a City vehicle. Mr. <br /> El-Banna reiterated his concern in the mixed messages being received by the neighbors <br /> who had experienced thousands of out-of-pocket expenses in replacing and/or repairing <br /> electrical appliances and were seeking resolution. <br /> Councilmember McGehee advised that she had spoken to Mr. Schwartz who had advised <br /> her that staff intended to bring the issue to the City Council for their guidance for pay- <br /> ment subsequent to denial of the claim by the LMCIT, and given the City's insurance de- <br /> ductable, seeking payment to residents for their immediate out-of-pocket expenses while <br /> the City continued their negotiations with the LMCIT and Xcel Energy. <br /> Councilmember Willmus opined that, regardless of where the LMCIT stood on this, the <br /> damage was a result of City action, and in his discussions with Mr. Hermes, the City <br /> needed to step up to correct the situation, then continue negotiations, rather than string <br /> things along. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested that this should be an item of discussion at the next regular busi- <br /> ness meeting on February 14, 2011. <br /> Councilmember Pust sought a copy of the LMCIT letter of denial; and additional infor- <br /> mation from staff. Councilmember Pust sought clarification on the vehicle operator's use <br /> of care and original denial that it was a City vehicle. <br /> Ms. Bloom advised that rationale for the LMCIT denial was that the box was owned by a <br /> private utility, not the City of Roseville, and in City right-of-way. Ms. Bloom clarified <br /> that the City did not have a database listing the location of all private utility boxes <br /> throughout the City as suggested by Mr. El-Banna, since there were thousands of them <br /> throughout the City on City rights-of-way. Ms. Bloom noted the numerous challenges <br /> faced by the City following the major snow event, and continued clean-up for several <br /> weeks following, with cul-de-sacs always presented additional challenges. Ms. Bloom <br /> clarified that the City's regular snow plow vehicles all had GPS, and upon an immediate <br /> check of the GPS, there was no indication that a vehicle with GPS was in that area. Due <br /> to this incident, Ms. Bloom advised that staff had now changed their process for investi- <br /> gation of concerns. Ms. Bloom further noted that this operator was a utility person using <br />
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