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Special City Council Work Plan Meeting 1 <br /> Monday,January 31,2011 <br /> Page 4 <br /> those already in process. Ms. Bloom elaborated on those items provided in staff's <br /> written discussion outline. <br /> Discussion among staff and Councilmembers included negotiations with Gibb's <br /> Farm regarding the Fairview Pathway Construction Project for a sidewalk along <br /> Larpenteur Avenue, with federal funding requirements for approval by the Na- <br /> tional Historical representatives, and their reluctance to support the project based <br /> on it not adding to the historical nature of the area; temporary easement require- <br /> ments from Gibb's Farm for the project; existing sidewalk and lack of feasibility <br /> for a proposed location changes; proposed Victoria Street project in 2012 planned <br /> as 2-3 miles of mill and overlay, not reconstruction; and estimated staff time spent <br /> on mandated items. <br /> Ms. Bloom estimated the staff time spent on various projects; however, she volun- <br /> teered to provide additional and more precise information to the City Council on <br /> staff time spent. <br /> Further discussion included clarification of those City-owned facilities managed <br /> by the Public Works Department and those managed by the Parks and Recreation <br /> Department; roof maintenance completed and that scheduled in the future; City <br /> Council preference expressed to look at all its facilities and determine a clear <br /> maintenance schedule through asset management software; more detailed review <br /> of the wetland inventory, management, and permitting processes; and an update <br /> on the garbage collection issue now at the Public Works, Environment, and <br /> Transportation Commission level and any recommendations forthcoming. <br /> b. Police Department—Chief Rick Mathwig <br /> Police Chief Rick Mathwig reviewed the Department's "Must Do's" and "Ought <br /> To Do's" in 2011, including mandated and regularly scheduled activities or those <br /> already in process. Chief Mathwig elaborated on those items provided in staff's <br /> written discussion outline. <br /> Chief Mathwig noted the department's continuing shrinkage over the last few <br /> years; and the critical crossroads being realized and addressed in the "Must Do's" <br /> listed. Chief Mathwig addressed the changing technologies in equipment, provid- <br /> ing for major advances in squads, firearms, and computers in the squads and in of- <br /> fices. Chief Mathwig advised that major CIP advances were included in the De- <br /> partment's budget to update equipment in accordance with technological changes <br /> in the industry. <br /> Chief Mathwig reviewed current staffing levels, and his proposals to restructure <br /> command staff to ensure sufficient training and providing recruitment incentives <br /> for officers within the department and within existing budget dollars, and through <br />