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approval of a tree preservation plan shall be made in writing • <br /> to the Community Development Department. <br /> 1. This application may be made separately or may <br /> be included as part of a development application. <br /> Information to be included in the application includes at <br /> least the following: <br /> a. Survey location of all significant trees; <br /> b. A significant tree summary sheet identifying the <br /> species of all significant trees located on the map; <br /> c. Identification of critical root zones extending <br /> from trees located on adjacent tracts,including the <br /> location and species of the trees; <br /> d. A table of area sizes for the following: <br /> i. Existing site area,floodplain area,and forest <br /> area; <br /> ii. Proposed areas of tree retention; <br /> iii. Proposed areas of tree removal;and <br /> iv. Proposed areas of reforestation and <br /> afforestation. <br /> e. A graphic delineation of the following areas: <br /> i. Proposed significant tree retention areas; <br /> ii. Proposed afforestation and reforestation • <br /> areas; <br /> iii. Proposed limits of disturbance; <br /> iv. Steep slopes of 25%or more; <br /> v. Wetlands,including any required setbacks; <br /> and <br /> vi. Topographic contours and intervals. <br /> f. Such other information that the Community <br /> Development Department determines is necessary to <br /> implement this Section. <br /> 2. A simplified Tree Preservation Plan may be submitted <br /> where trees do not currently exist on the site or where <br /> existing trees will not be cut,cleared,or graded for <br /> the proposed development,and where adequate tree <br /> protection devices and long-term agreements are <br /> established for the protection of existing significant trees. <br /> This simplified plan may be included on an"Existing <br /> Conditions Survey." <br /> 3. Exception:The forgoing does not apply to LDR-zoned <br /> properties where new construction or subdivision is not <br /> proposed. <br /> • <br />