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• 2. Chimneys,air conditioning units,fire escapes,uncovered <br /> stairs,ramps,and necessary landings which do not <br /> extend more than 3 feet into the required yard. <br /> 3. Terraces,steps,uncovered porches and patios,decks, <br /> stoops,or similar features which do not extend above <br /> the height of the ground floor level of the principal <br /> structure or to a distance less than 2 feet from any lot <br /> line.Notwithstanding this requirements,patios shall not <br /> be less than 10 feet from a street right-of-way. <br /> 4. Fences constructed and maintained in accordance with <br /> the applicable provisions of this Title. <br /> 1011.06 Visibility Triangles in All Districts: <br /> A. Purpose:This section is intended to define and regulate areas <br /> around street intersections for the purpose of preserving <br /> adequate sight lines for the safety of motorists,cyclists,and <br /> pedestrians passing through the intersections.Visibility <br /> triangles are described by locating Points A,B,and C as <br /> instructed in this Section and connecting these points with <br /> straight lines. <br /> B. Applicability:Although the visibility triangles described in <br /> • this section at least partially overlap land in the public right- <br /> of-way,the requirements of this section apply only to the <br /> privately owned property(i.e.,land which is not in the public <br /> right-of-way)that lies within a visibility triangle. <br /> C. Definitions:The following words and phrases,when used in <br /> this section,shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to <br /> them: <br /> 1. Street X:At an intersection,Street X is the street of <br /> higher classification or,if intersecting streets are of equal <br /> classification,the primary street as determined by the <br /> Community Development Department. <br /> 2. Street Y:At an intersection,Street Y is the street of <br /> lower classification or,if intersecting streets are of equal <br /> classification,the street which is not determined by <br /> the Community Development Department to be the <br /> primary street. <br /> 3. Width of Street:The distance in feet measured from <br /> back-of-curb to back-of-curb or,in the absence of a curb, <br /> the distance measured perpendicularly from the edge <br /> of the paving surface to the opposite edge of the paving <br /> surface. <br /> D. Parcels Zoned Low-Density Residential:The visibility <br /> triangle for a street intersection adjacent to an LDR-zoned <br /> • parcel shall be described as follows. <br />