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• B. Minimum parking requirement of more than 20 space and <br /> less than 51 spaces shall not have more than 150%of the <br /> number of spaces identified in Table 1019-1. <br /> C. Minimum parking requirement of 51 spaces or more shall <br /> not have than 125%of the number of spaces required as <br /> identified in Table 1019-1. <br /> D. Additional parking may be provided if it does not increase <br /> impervious surface area beyond that which would be created <br /> by meeting the maximum parking requirement.Examples <br /> of additional parking include,but are not limited to,under <br /> structure parking,roof top parking,or structured parking <br /> above a surface parking lot. <br /> E. An applicant may request a modification of the maximum <br /> allowed number of parking spaces by submitting a study <br /> of anticipated parking demand.Parking studies shall be <br /> prepared by a professional engineer with expertise in traffic <br /> and parking analysis,unless the Community Development <br /> Department authorizes an equally qualified individual. <br /> 1019.07 Shared Parking <br /> Shared off-street parking facilities are allowed to collectively provide <br /> • parking in any district for more than 1 structure or use,subject to the <br /> conditions established in this section: <br /> A. The uses must have their highest peak demand for parking <br /> at substantially different times of the day or week or an <br /> adequate amount of parking shall be available for all uses <br /> during shared hours of peak demand.A parking plan <br /> shall address the hours,size,and mode of operation of the <br /> respective uses. <br /> B. The minimum spaces required under a shared parking plan <br /> shall be based on the following: <br /> 1. For those uses parking at substantially different times of <br /> the day or week,the number of spaces required for the <br /> uses that require the most parking;and <br /> 2. For those uses parking at the same hours of peak <br /> demand,the minimum shall be 1.5 times the number <br /> of spaces required by the use(s)that require the most <br /> parking. <br /> C. Shared parking facilities shall be protected by a covenant <br /> running with the land and recorded with the County in a <br /> form approved by the City Attorney.Such a covenant shall <br /> not be revoked without consent of the City.A certified <br /> copy of the recorded document shall be provided to the <br /> Community Development Department prior to the use of <br /> • the shared parking arrangement. <br />